Operational Motivation Plan

915 Words2 Pages

Operational Motivation Plan

This plan incorporates many aspects of motivation. It looks to some

motivational theories described by Robbins as well as the opinions

discussed in other articles. Robbins (2001) said that managers get

things done through other people. They make decisions, allocate

resources, and direct the activities of others to attain goals.

Highlighting the positive elements will provide an excellent basis

for management objectives, as well as the profile of the organization.

The most difficult job that faces a supervisor is learning how to

effectively motivate and keep his/her employees motivated. The

average person when asked how to motivate someone will tell you what

motivates him or her. Unfortunately, everyone is different and what

motivates one employee may only make another employee angry. The

method we use to motivate each employee must be tailored to the

individual employee. We must offer them something they value as an

incentive to work towards a goal. One size does not fit all when it

comes to motivation.

Motivation should be built into the performance management system

where supervisors will have the opportunity to communicate and

motivate staff on their performances. Supervisors may adopt the

following ways to motivate their staff:

* Discuss with staff from time to time especially at the beginning

of the appraisal period and during performance review meetings,

what their work goals and targets are and how they should be


* Provide feedback on what the staff has done well and where

improvement could be made.

* Encourage staff to express their vie...

... middle of paper ...

...werment culture will create an

environment where every member of the organizational structure has an

input and the output of the organization will be innovative ensuring

delivery of outputs to the highest standards. Equitable pay has a

part to play in the implementation of this plan. However,

organizations can motivate staff with commitment to their staff in the

performance of their jobs. Staff deserves fair pay and they deserve

to be motivated by managers who have the farsightedness to trust,

delegate to and include their staff members in the decision making

process. It can be seen, that motivation is the key even when fiscal

incentives are not available.


Robins, S.P. (2001). Organizational behavior [University of Phoenix

Custom Edition].

New Jersey: Pearson Custom Publishing.

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