Online Shopping Survey Essay

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Online shopping refers that consumers recognize a need for some Products or Services; they search for need-related information on Internet. Consumers are attracted by information about products or services associated with their needs and evaluate alternatives and select the best that fit in criteria. Online shopping attitude refers to consumer's psychological state in terms of shopping on the Internet. According to this survey, every consumer mind set is composed of different thought, modes of emotions and different information processing.
We have to measure customer loyalty and attitude in the field of e-commerce to establish a long-term relationship between the commercial website and the consumer. This survey had indicated that online shopping specially Business to Consumer has risen and Online Shopping becomes more popular among people. Customer concern towards online shopping investigate the human behaviour and its attributes that influencing online shopping decision. The trust factor is primary factor between consumer and online seller, which motivate consumer to process the transaction for online shopping. Trust factor based on Safety, privacy of information, security and delivery on time. …show more content…

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can skip.

Please start the survey-

Name-______________________ Age-______ Gender-____________

City-_____________Qualification-__________Occupation- _________________

1) Have you ever had online shopping? (if your answer is yes, please skip question no 2) o Yes o No

2) If you never had Online-Shopping Please Specify the Reason- o Lack of Internet o Lack of Trust o Intangibility of product o Others

3) How many times did you have online

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