Online Dating Research Paper

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Many psychological studies have shown that there are a lot of people out there who get depressed after a breakup and become recluse. This is probably why so many people just don't break up even when they should. But life doesn't have to be this way; in fact the same studies show that when people get back involved with life right away and start dating right away they are more likely to be happy again within five years. This is where online dating sites can help.

Doctors and therapists around the world will tell you that you need to get back into the dating world within 12 months after a divorce, or a terrible break up. But what if you just can't make yourself go out with someone? Well, the beauty of online dating is that you can still socialize with people, but don't have to really go out on a date until you are ready. That can be in a week, a month, a year, or two years. However long you need to feel better about it. In other words, you get back into socializing by taking baby steps. …show more content…

Well psychologists state that people often become too reclusive after a terrible divorce or break up and often end up in some sort of pre-depression stage. They can go on food binges, alcohol binges, or just feel terrible about themselves. So, it is really important to get involved with life right away, and one of the best ways is through online dating, because you can feel connected to the world and yet still have the time to yourself to get over the hurt in your

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