Online Dating Essay

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Dating online has become a lot more acceptable in our generation from my observations. With a click of a few buttons, we have access to a whole pool of men and women actively seeking partners. Although, when it comes to the searching, gender differences play a huge role in finding successful relationships. The gender patterns in dating websites vary tremendously due to commitment, deceiving pictures and comments, and strictly lack of chemistry. Nonetheless, research has been conducted to prove why online dating can be so tricky sometimes. Research has stated that” Women take online dating more seriously. If men are constantly swiping, and women are hunting for their significant other, it will be a difficult journey to find a perfect match” …show more content…

There was a significant different between gender’s when it came to this section. Men barely posted any writing about themselves, while women posted paragraphs. Men wrote about what they are about and many included looking for an independent woman with no strings attached. This was completely opposite from the women who poured their heart and souls out about what their ideal man would be like and what attributes they look for in a perfect boyfriend. They were also a lot more honest when it came to behaviors they did not approve of. Many stated if they had cheating or lying behaviors to not even message them. It was quite rare to see a man post that they did not want any messages, because of a behavior they did not like. Overall between sexual orientation I noticed a lot more lesbians than gays. They were more looking for something casual as compared to straight individuals. My research overall defiantly supports other findings, because it is consistent with previous research such as my quote about women taking dating more seriously than men. I believe this causes a stigma for men on dating websites because women will start to believe that all men on these websites are just looking for hookups or casual relationships. It makes it harder for a man to peruse something serious. Women tend to a have a better stigma attached about being more

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