Online Class Video Analysis

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Before watching “10 tips for success in your online course”, I thought I knew the basics of passing an online class. As a senior in high school I enrolled in a sports management online class for one semester. Additionally, last summer, I enrolled in a college level online astronomy class. Prior to taking these classes, no one explained the expectations of an online class and how to effectively study for one. After taking these courses, I realized that online courses are much different than traditional lecture classes. Honestly, they are not as easy as people are led to believe. I came to the realization that the success of an online course depends on the student’s ability to stay on task, have a plan or agenda and stick to a set timeline. Procrastination does not work whether it is a traditional or an online class. In my opinion, an effective on-line course must be informative, easy to follow and have clearly defined objectives, procedures and timeline. Students who have not experienced an on-line class are not aware of the expectations involved. The video successfully addressed many topics that a student will encounter when taking an on-line class. Students in on-line classes can encounter unforeseen …show more content…

A student’s ability to do well in an online class is greatly enhanced by a defined plan. One tip in the video addresses defining a weekly schedule. The narrator emphasizes the use of the syllabus to find due dates for assignments with the importance of keeping deadlines in sight and preparing on a regular basis. Major projects need to be addressed throughout the course not at the last minute. Reviewing the academic calendar also helps to keep your timeline on track. . Another key tip given in the video is to contact the teacher regarding a class issues. This can be done using personal or school email, a forum or possibly meeting with the teacher one on

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