Online Activism Examples

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As with most other activities nowadays, activism has gone digital. Some applaud this new way of activism as making it easier to get information out and promote a cause. Supporters of online activism argue that it makes connecting like minded people easier and helps people to mobilize in the real world. They point out that taking activism online can give a voice to those with little power or those who can not safely speak out in real life. Others are more critical and refer to it as “slacktivism”, meaning it's a lazy, ineffective way of promoting a cause. They argue that online activists rarely do more than share infographics and rant on social media. Online activism goes by many names, such as internet activism, cyberactivism and digital activism. They all have the same meaning and are composed of the same types of tools. The tools used in online activism include online petitions, social networking sites (such as Facebook), blogs, micro-blogging platforms (like Twitter), mobile phones, and proxy servers (Rees 2-3). There have been a number of movements and groups to implement online activism to support their cause in recent years. A prominent example of online activism and the implications it can have is the Arab Spring. Arab Spring describes a series of uprisings in the Middle …show more content…

User spread a message by posting or reposting tweet with a certain hashtag in an attempt to get it trending and achieve mass recognition. A recent global hashtag that achieved mass recognition is #BringBackOurGirls. This hashtag was created to in response to the kidnapping of 276 girl and women by the radical group Boko Haram in Nigeria on April 14, 2014 (Busari, Hanna, and Karimi 2). An outpouring of support came from around the world with celebrities and government officials getting involved. One of the most memorable #BringBackOurGirls tweet came directly from First Lady, Michelle Obama (Shaban

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