Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas By Ursula Le Guin

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The short story ‘‘Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’’ by Ursula Le Guin describes a utopian society based on the suffering and mistreatment of an unfortunate child. Omelas reflects contemporary North American society, in its claim to being an idyllic society built on the foundation of pain, which is discussed, firstly by an analysis of Omelas and the child, then a contrast analysis of contemporary North American society and the third world sweatshop workers and finally by the perspective of both society regarding the irony of situation which shows that there is no such thing called utopia. Omelas is described as a city in a fairy tale. It is a city towered by sea and encircled by mountains and has a cheerful sweetness of the air. It has beautiful public buildings and spacious private homes with red roof and painted walls, magnificent farmer markets, green parks and avenues of trees. Omelas is a very prosperous …show more content…

When children of Omelas visit the child for first time, they are shocked and sickened, feel angry and they plan to do something for the child but do not do anything. They know that it would be a good thing indeed but they can not pursuit it in exchange of prosperity and beauty of Omelas. In the story, it is mentioned as: “To exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for that single, small improvement: to throw away the happiness of thousands for the chance of the happiness of one: that would be to let guilt within the walls indeed. The terms are strict and absolute; there may not even be a kind word spoken to the child” (Le Guin: page-6). Some people of North America know about these sweatshop workers, they feel bad and some also protest. They set up NGOs, send funds and donations but they never try to break the tradition of sweatshop working. They all assume that this is best for the society. An Idea can be drawn from William

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