One Life To Live Character Analysis

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One Life to Live took American audiences by storm on July 15, 1968. Tired of conventional storylines which centered primarily on wealthy caucasian families, the series creator, Agnes Nixon, created the first daytime drama to feature racially and socioeconomically diverse characters and storylines which addressed contemporary social issues. One Life to Live was the first daytime soap opera to have a racially integrated cast and address hot button issues.

One of the most controversial storylines involved racial passing (when a member of a certain race assimilates and is accepted as a member of another race). Carla Grey (Ellen Holly), a fair skinned African American woman, who was passing as a Caucasian American. However, the actor’s racial heritage was not revealed to the audience until six months after the character debuted on the show. In fact, when Carla began dating an African American intern named Dr. Prince Trainor (Peter DeAnda), ABC received several angry letters condemning the potential relationship between a black man and a white woman. This is the first time a daytime television show addressed this issue. This storyline was so controversial, that several Southern ABC affiliates boycotted the show. However, this controversial storyline attracted more viewers and the …show more content…

Her character debuted on February 6, 2009 when she caught of glimpse of Gigi Morasco and Rex Balsom (John Paul LaVoisier) in a casino. Stacy quit her job and followed the pair back to Llanview. Gigi discovered Stacey’s true identity and welcomed her with open arms. Stacey and Gigi had a rocky relationship because of Stacey unsuccessful attempts to steal Rex. Stacey lied and manipulated her way into bed with Rex, pretends to be a matching bone marrow donor Gigi and Rex’s son Shane, and lies about being pregnant with Rex’s

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