On The Meaning Of Sex By J. Budszewski

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In the book, “On the Meaning of Sex” J. Budziszewski talks about the meaning of sex. Budziszewski states that the issue of sex is one of the most important issues in our culture since the sexual revolution. Budziszewski opens the book by restating a conversation he once had with a student about the Book, “Brave New World.” The student states that the people are revolting and disgusting. Budziszewski is delighted by this statement. He believes that the student and himself are on the same page. Budziszewski responds to the student by agreeing and saying that there needs to be some meaning to sex. However; the student replies by saying, that the manner in which babies are “born” in the brave new world is disgusting and that sex doesn’t necessarily …show more content…

Budziszewski uses logic, philosophical reasoning, and psychological knowledge to derive his argument for each stance that he takes. Budziszewski does a great job at combining psychological reasoning and philosophical thought on the borderline issues. In chapter two of “On the Meaning of Sex” Budziszewski uses reason to explain why there must be meaning and purpose behind sex. Budziszewski claims that since we know the purpose of the lungs and heart, then we should have no reason to believe that the meaning and purpose of sex is not attainable knowledge. (2014) In chapter three Budziszewski uses different psychological surveys and ideas to aid his stance that there are significant differences between men and women. Budziszewski also does a great job of presenting some of the views that opponents of his hold. Although some of his opponents’ viewpoints raise questions about Budziszewski’s argument, Budziszewski presents both sides of the arguments. Presenting his opponents' beliefs allows the readers to hear common concerns or questions, many that the readers themselves might be asking, about Budziszewski’s ideas, and then allows Budziszewski the opportunity to explain the reasoning behind his beliefs even in spite of the

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