For the Rest of My Life . . .
For the rest of my life there are two days that will never again trouble me. The first day is yesterday with all its blunders and tears, its follies and defeats. Yesterday has passed forever bye my control. The other day is tomorrow with its pitfalls and threats, its dangers and mystery. Until the sun rises again, I have no stake in tomorrow, for it is still unborn. With God’s help and only one day to concentrate all my effort and energy on, this day, I can win! Only when I add the burden of those two frightening eternities, yesterday and tomorrow, am I in danger of faltering under the load. Never again! This is my day! This is my only day! Today is all there is! Today is the rest of my life and I resolve to conduct myself through every waking hour in the following manner. . . . For the rest of my life, this very special day, God help me . . . to heed the wise advice of Jesus and Confucius and Zoroaster and treat me. To maintain a rein on my tongue and my temper, guarding against foolish moments of faultfinding and insults. To greet all those I encounter with a smile instead of a frown, and a soft word of encouragement instead of disdain or even worse, silence. To be sympathetic and attentive to the sorrows and struggles of others, realizing that there are hidden woes in every life no matter how exalted or lowly. To make haste to be kind to all others, understanding that life is too short to be vengeful or malicious, too soon ended to be petty or unkind. For the rest of my life, this very special day, God help me. To keep reminding myself that in order to harvest more ears of corn in the fall, I must plant more kernels in the spring. To understand that life always rewards me on the terms that I establish, and if I never perform or deliver more than that for which I am paid, never will I have reason to demand or expect and additional gold. To always deliver more than is expected of me, whether at work, at play, or at home. To labor with enthusiasm and l9ove, no matter what the task at hand may be, realizing that if I cannot secure happiness out of my work I will never know what real happiness is.
him to keep trying his hardest and to not let anything or anyone get in his way.
It's been five days since my family's death, I am still grieving over them but I don't let that affect my work. I've been working a lot harder so I don't let them down, I'm getting good praise from my lord at the moment, it's very refreshing. I earned a hand me down tunic for my hard work and I love it! I've never been Given anything as needed or special as this. Today's duties for me include: going to the markets and getting some food and water for the lord and the animals, planting some new seeds, and washing the lords’ horses. It's a pretty easy day for me, but tomorrow it'll be back to hard work. It's my birthday tomorrow, not that anyone knows that, but I turn 18, sometimes I wished that once I turned this age I would be allowed to leave
In my opinion, I have been through lots of obstacles. From one of my best friends dying to my grandmother passing, it’s hard. But I didn’t quit, I didn’t give up on life I moved on and lived for them. Purpose; be unique, not average. Growing up our biggest want is to fit in. The last thing we want to do is stand out. We should have a purpose in our life span. I want to make a difference wherever I can, and impact somebody in a massive way. Sacrifice; seek wealth not riches. A few things we sacrifice each day that go unnoticed are, Time, Money, Relationships, and health. All of those things we sacrifice leads up to us creating wealth. Not necessarily money, but having what we need to be successful. Use your wealth to change others. Even with money, don’t let it change you. I write all of this to say, I want to be the best me I can be. I constantly want to work on becoming a better version of myself. The goals I have set for myself aren’t what a normal person should believe. I am working on being unique and not average, but also keep a high quality of life and thought. If I practice these 7 keys throughout my journey, I will definitely see you all from the
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
Today is a particularly miserable day because I have to go to a care home the home of the living dead. I had to retrieve a human called Vivian. I looked at her papers. Her life was as intricate as a Michelangelo painting; a life well lived, however every detail beautifully crafted.
come with a goal in life - to succeed on it. With that kind of mentality I
A message to everyone is that I believe you should live your life to the fullest you can be that day and grow greater and greater everyday. Always show love. Makeup any fights. It is never worth the madness. Never do things to regret because you never know when the end may be
I aspire to become a leader in my family and community inspiring those around me to maximize life to its fullest potential. To use my God given gifts and talents to apply the principles necessary, to make a significant difference in the lives of others. To live a balanced life challenging myself intellectually as well as allowing time for my mind to rest and do things I enjoy. To look at life through a child’s eyes, not being distressed about the past or worrying about the future. All the while dancing like nobody’s watching.
...objectives. I have finally come to know what my goals are and the way in which my career will be sculpted. It is more of self-evaluation and self organization than for others.
to live in faith, that God will provide as God cares for the birds of
Tonight we stand at a crossroad where each one of use will take a new direction in our life's journey. Walt Whitman said "Not I - not anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it for yourself." Where we end up isn't the most important decision, but instead it is the road we choose to take to get there. The road we take is what we will look back on and call our life. Life is a journey of everyday experiences, teaching us moment in, moment out, who we really are. It's important to remember these words "Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late."
Perfection is not within the realms of possibility, but I always knew if I aim for perfection, I could at least achieve excellence. This is the mantra I have followed in every walk of life. I have always learnt to appreciate everything I have taken up, thoroughly and to the fullest. In this competitive pace of life, I have learnt a lot from my experiences and I am still striving to learn more. I constantly challenged myself in an effort to develop a rational mindset and approach to problem solving.
My mission is to live each day positively in God’s eyes, honestly and passionately so that every day I am one step closer to reaching my dreams and helping others believe in theirs. I will be committed to inspiring others to be more than they think that they can be and I will be a continual learner committed to excellence in all aspects of life.
Another thing to do is for me to know my purpose in life. Since I already knew it, and I already realized what I really wanted in life, it is important for me to have a lot of faith in God and have self-confidence inside.
One's dream and aspirations to supersede in life must be stronger and greater than limitations set forth by others. The experience that were bestowed to me during my short life has elevated me to the woman I am today. Please walk with me as I give you the opportunity to see the world from my eyes: