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The importance of education in the prison system
The importance of education in the prison system
The importance of education in the prison system
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Davis, Simone Weil, and Bruce Michaels. "Ripping off some Room for People to "Breathe Together": Peer-To-Peer Education in Prison." Social Justice, vol. 42, no. 2, 05 Dec. 2015, pp. 146-158. Academic Search Complete, ezproxy.library.csulb.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=115259496&site=ehost-live. In "Ripping off some Room for People to "Breathe Together" by Simone Weil Davis and Michaels Bruce argue over the importance of education in prisons. They convey their argument by providing brief stories of prisoners that describe how education has helped them throughout their sentence. In addition, they mention that educational programs in prisons do not necessarily need to focus on math and science or the standard subjects taught in school. Instead, educational programs such as design and outreach have been put in place and have shown to tremendously benefit prisoners. In contrast Davis and Bruce bring up a downfall that has occurred …show more content…
when trying to provide education to prisoners. That downfall consists of not trained academic teachers and not teaching at the college level. As a result, prisoners are not receiving the adequate education that they need, making it difficult to see improvements. Davis and Bruce mention the obstacles that comes with providing education to prisoners. Meanwhile, they also advocate for educational programs in prisons not only because they have witnessed its progress but because it has helped decrease recidivism and transform the lives of many prisoners. This source will help me provide examples of the many different programs that have been created to educate prisoners. In other words, allowing me to emphasize that education does not only mean teaching school subjects, but educating prisoners about career fields or things that interest them. Also, the brief stories of prisoners found in the journal will help me persuade and inform my audience on how and why educational program are beneficial to prisoners. Lastly, this journal will help me form counterarguments, where I can reference the pros and cons of education in prisons. Esperian, John H. "The Effect of Prison Education Programs on Recidivism." Journal of Correctional Education, vol. 61, no. 4, Dec. 2010, pp. 316-334. Academic Search Complete, ezproxy.library.csulb.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=60011248&site=ehost-live. In "The Effect of Prison Education Programs on Recidivism" by John H. Esperian argues it is crucial to provide education to prisoners because it is a way of rehabilitating them and it can reduce prison cost. Esperian starts off his argument by referencing the “The Great Law” of 1682 which emphasized “hard labor in the house of correction as punishment for most crimes” (4). He strategically draws emphasis to this law to state that we live in a new era where the best way to reform someone is by offering them education. He strengthens this argument by creating a “before” and “after” picture where readers see the improvement prisoners have made with the help of an educational program. As well as, testimonials of people who are involved in educating prisoners. On the other hand, he mentions that with the establishment of an educational program it can decrease the cost of long term housing for inmates, because inmates will be coming out sooner than their sentence. In all, throughout his journal he discusses why educational programs should be established in prisons for the beneficiary of the state and prisoners. This source is going to help me provide reasoning and examples to support my argument on why the correction system should provide prisoners with education. I can use the survey and definitions that the author uses throughout his journal to strengthen my examples. Also, the author provides interviews with people who work in the correctional system. This will help me provide ethos in my paper. Harney, Suzy, and Janney Ferrol-Hawley. "Examining Incarceration / Recidivism and Education in the United States Virgin Islands Prison System." Journal of Global Intelligence & Policy, vol. 5, no. 9, Dec. 2012, pp. 1-10. Academic Search Complete, ezproxy.library.csulb.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=94267147&site=ehost-live. In "Examining Incarceration / Recidivism and Education in the United States Virgin Islands Prison System” by Suzy Harney and Ferrol-Hawley Janney provide statistics on recidivism and draws conclusions as to why education in prisons is necessary.
Data from 2007 through 2009 on prisons such as Alexander A. Farrelly Criminal Justice Complex in St. Thomas and Golden Grove Adult Correctional Facility in St. Criox provide information on recidivism before and after educational programs were established. This information points out that recidivism was occurring at high rate but after educational programs were established recidivism rates decreased. The data also compares recidivism between uneducated and educated prisoners. Based on this data, recidivism is lower in groups of prisoners who have a high education while it is higher in groups of prisoners with little to no education. Harney and Janney effectively integrate data throughout the journal to reveal how effective and crucial education is in
prisons. This source will be useful in my research paper because it provides direct data from prisons. This data will help provide actual numbers, to convince my readers why education is important in prisons. Although there is few data on education, this source provides an abundant amount of data on recidivism. Therefore, I will use this information to help me create counterarguments. For example, high numbers of recidivism may be due to prisoners having little to no education. These numbers can decrease by offering educational programs that could eventually improve the lives of prisoners and prevent them from committing any more offense. Jovanic, Goran. "The Role of Education in the Treatment of Offenders." Support for Learning, vol. 26, no. 2, May 2011, pp. 79-82. Academic Search Complete, doi:10.1111/j.1467-9604.2011.01481.x. In "The Role of Education in the Treatment of Offenders” by Goran Jovanic explains the benefits of offering education to prisoners. He states, “training convicted prisoners [with education can help them] earn an honest living in the community.” By stating this Jovanic argues that education reforms prisoners to a person that can contribute to society instead of harming it. For example, at Rikers Island prison, educational programs have been developed to help dangerous and violent prisoners improve their behavior by involving useful learning techniques. This has not only helped the prisoner, but it has helped to lower prison expenses, saving taxpayers money. As well as it has helped reduce the constant recurrences of recidivism. In conclusion, Jovanic throughout his journal argues why education programs are critical and provides information on how effective it has been in prisons. This source will help me support my argument on why prisons should offer some type of education to their prisoners. I will be able to provide examples of prisons programs that have already taken the initiative to include educational programs in their prisons. Besides examples, I will be able to provide data to effectively support my argument, helping me to develop credibility throughout my paper. Lewen, Jody. "Prison Higher Education and Social Transformation." St. Louis University Public Law Review, vol. 33, no. 2, Jan. 2014, pp. 353-361 Academic Search Complete, ezproxy.library.csulb.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=97082257&site=ehost-live. In "Prison Higher Education and Social Transformation” by Jody Lewen focuses on primarily discussing the social inequality in the prison system. Many Americans believe that prisons are supposed to “teach people a lesson” and that people in prison deserve to suffer. Lewen makes an effort to change these beliefs when he provides insight to the environment of a prison. He states that prisons are filled with physical and psychological suffering. This type of environment does not do any good to prisoners. A way to change this type of environment is by providing higher education. This can eventually transform the lives of many prisoners and reduce incarceration rates. On the other hand, Lewen recounts his story of being a volunteer and director for the Prison University Project at San Quentin prison in 1999. By sharing this story, he creates awareness and dialogue over criminal justice and higher education issues. In conclusion, Lewen not only informs his readers over the educational program at San Quentin, but he also explains how social inequality is interconnected with the higher education issues. This source will help me provide reasoning as to why these programs are important. I will use the explanations Lewen provides to help me form several examples in which I can use to support my argument on why education in prisons is necessary. Vacca, James S. "Educated Prisoners Are Less Likely to Return to Prison." Journal of Correctional Education, vol. 55, no. 4, Dec. 2004, pp. 297-305. Academic Search Complete, ezproxy.library.csulb.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=15420375&site=ehost-live. In "Educated Prisoners Are Less Likely to Return to Prison” by James S. Vacca argues throughout his article on how education is connected to incarceration rates and recidivism. In the beginning of his journal he mentions that based on the studies that have been done, many prisoners do not have employable skills, are dropouts, and have poor writing skills. The studies also drew a connection between the level of education prisoners have received and type of offenses they have committed. In other words, stating that prisoners with little education committed serious crimes. Due to the lack of education many of them are most likely to reoffend. Offering education to prisoners can help “teach them to read effectively but also provide them with the necessary reinforcement that promote a positive transition to society when they are released” (1). Eventually, this will reduce recidivism rates and create a safer environment for prisoners and officers to be in. In addition, when prisoners come out of prison they will no longer be an obstacle to society but a tool. In all, education in prisons is the primary tool that could lead to lower incarceration and recidivism rates. This source will help provide supporting evidence throughout my essay. I will be able to go into detail when talking about prisoners. For instance, mentioning how education can change the way prisoners think, helping them to think before they act. I will also be able to create counterarguments with the challenges Vacca states that can develop when trying to employ education in prisons.
In the argument “Let Prisoners Take College Courses,” by John J. Lennon he argues that when incarcerated, if the college programs are not made readily available for more than the select few inmates, they will see more returns than they would otherwise. To support his thesis Lennon uses a variety of researched facts. For example: “In Sing Sing, for example, one forward-thinking educational program, launched in 1998, has a recidivism rate of less than 2 percent”(Lennon, 1). This shows that Lennon did some research on the subject. In addition to the factual evidence presented in the argument, Lennon uses two different human experiences. One experience was of himself. He spoke of what put him in jail and how being able to take college courses helped him discover who he was and feel remorse for his bad decisions of his past.
Correctional program writing nowadays is at a level of efficiency that surpasses earlier outlooks. In territories all over the United States, there are several curriculums that use research-based curriculums to teach, instruct, and inspire inmates. Disappeared are the days of hit-or-miss execution of curriculums that seemed good, but over and over again just occupied time for the inmates. The previous evolution happened for several reasons (Corrections Today, 2010). The largest wake-up demands was the claim composed around thirty years ago. The statement made was not anything works in corrections systems, mainly rehabilitation. Even though this commonly revealed report was taken from its context, it did in detail carry some notice to the mystery that several penitentiaries were not operational as change
table had the cure for HIV, AIDS or cancer lodged in his brain, to be lost instead of used for the good of humanity. Lost, when all it would have taken was some support and possibly some teaching, although a fair amount are educated to a good level, approximately a third. Why shouldn't prisons be centers of learning as well as places of incarceration? It could also help with the problem of re-offence, as education is attributed as being the number one cause for crime.
The current criminal justice system is expensive to maintain. In North America the cost to house one prisoner is upwards of eighty to two hundred dollars a day (Morris, 2000). The bulk of this is devoted to paying guards and security (Morris, 2000). In contrast with this, community oriented programming as halfway houses cost less than the prison alternative. Community programming costs five to twenty five dollars a day, and halfway houses although more expensive than community programs still remain cheaper than prison (Morris, 2000). Tabibi (2015c) states that approximately ninety percent of those housed in prison are non-violent offenders. The treatment of offenders in the current system is understood to be unjust. By this, Morris (2000) explains that we consistently see an overrepresentation of indigenous and black people in the penal system. Corporate crimes are largely omitted, while street crimes are emphasized (Morris, 2000). This disproportionately targets marginalized populations (homeless, drug addicted and the poor) (Tabibi, 2015c). The current system is immoral in that the caging of people is highly depersonalized and troubling (Tabibi, 2015c). This is considered to be a barbaric practice of the past, however it is still frequently used in North America (Morris, 2000). Another moral consideration is with the labelling of youth as offenders in the criminal justice system (Morris, 2000). Morris (2000) argues that we should see youth crimes as a social failure, not as an individual level failure. Next, Morris (2000) classifies prisons as a failure. Recidivism rates are consistently higher for prisons than for other alternatives (Morris, 2000). The reason for this is that prisons breed crime. A school for crime is created when a person is removed from society and labeled; they become isolated, angry
Lab, Steven P. “Institutional Corrections.” Criminal Justice: The Essentials. New York: Oxford UP, 2011. Print.
It is to no surprise that America has a large amount of its people incarcerated for a variety of reasons. One must ask themselves how we can help these individuals get back on track. The answer is America’s most powerful weapon known to man; an education. This is an annotated bibliography for research on the effects of education in the prison system and if these effects are worth taxpayer’s money.
Drago, F., Galbiati, R. & Vertova, P. (2011). Prison conditions and recidivism. American law and economics review, 13 (1), pp. 103--130.
The most recent example of this would be Tyrone Howard who is mentioned above. He has been arrested many times yet still got out and continued to commit crimes even after going through the diversion programs for drug charges. I believe that Jonsson is mistaken because he overlooks the factors that come out of prison education. Although many think prison education is being pushed, prisons and prison guards do not advocate the idea of educating the prisoners. Since the requirement to become a prison guard is only a high school diploma, the guards become envious of the criminals who are getting higher education which could cause tension and mistreatment. Also, educating prisoners should decrease the recidivism rate which would bring the government to give less money to prisons because there are less prisoners to care for. Education in prison is not being pushed because it is harmful to the prison system no matter how the government decides to do
Studies have shown that in-prison education curriculums decrease recidivism while refining the eminence of life. However, majority of extra-curricular classes in prison have been eradicated, additional customs of job preparation have reduced, and access to exercise equipment and educational resources such as books is progressively limited. In the past five years the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has increased the federal budget by 40 per cent to $2.6 billion, majority bei...
Pettit, Becky, and Bruce Western. "Incarceration & Social Inequality." Daedalus 139.3 (2010): 8+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 15 May 2014.
Dodd, Vikram. "Why Prison Education?." . Prison Studies Project, Teaching Research Outreach, 16 Jan. 2010. Web. 12 Apr. 2014. .
Tulman, J. B. (2008). Time to Reverse the School-to-Prison Pipeline. (Cover story). Policy & Practice (19426828), 66(1), 22-27.
The amount th of money that has been spend on prisons is about 49 billion dollars the reason for this is because people are being sent to prison and some re offend and come back. The main purpose of going to jail is to never come back , but in some cases others don 't seem to learn from their mistakes. This is the reason why prison education would come in handy. In the article “Education and Vocational Training in Prisons Reduces Recidivism, Improves Job Outlook” its states that “Researchers found that inmates who participate in correctional education programs have 43 percent lower odds of returning to prison than those who do not”This quote is pretty much saying that the percentage of inmates that has education is less likely to come back. This is good because the amount of money that we would be saving would probably help us with debt that we face a lot in american. Education is the most important form of rehabilitation for
A controversial issue in the criminal justice field is whether or not educational programs should be offered to inmates in jail while they are incarcerated. While some might argue that taxpayers should not be forced to fund these types of programs, others agree that it is extremely beneficial to not only the inmates but also the taxpayers. Not only are the inmates the people in society who need education the most, but studies have shown a significant decrease in the recidivism rate of inmates who participated in educational programs while incarcerated. Jails and prisons should increase educational programs to inmates because inmates need education more than ever, it is more financially efficient to provide educational programs and it significantly reduces the recidivism rate.
2nd ed. of the book. USA: Penguin Books, Ltd. [Accessed 01 January 2014]. The Prison Reform Trust.