Of Same Sex Marriage In Alan Brennert's 'Molokai'

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. In the book of Molokai, the author Alan Brennert tells the story of Rachel Kalama, a girl who suffered leprosy from a young age, and the issues she and other lepers had to struggle with.It is to acknowledge that in today’s daynot all the states in the USA, would officially recognize marriage for same sex couple, but that is not the only issue for homosexuals. They have been mistreated in so many different ways for decades. We witness some types of similar discrimination with the lepers and homosexuals, where the government do not allow them the same right as the other citizen have, public officers or other high profile people give them different treatment, the church label them as sinners and the community in general just don’t want to be near to them. Lepers and homosexuals are completely different situations, but they come to end in the exact same doom. They get discriminated by the government and are deprived of their human rights; For instance, the right to have a family. In Molokai we learn that hundreds of peopleamong them, Rachel and Uncle Pono, were sent to that island by...

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