Of Mice And Men George And Lennie's Loyalty

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George and Lennie’s Loyalty
Of Mice and Men, is based during the Great Depression, the novella teaches a harsh lesson about the nature of human existence. The novellas main recurring theme is how lonely and isolated each of the characters feel which is why the friendship between George and Lennie is met with suspicion and jealously as it was hard and rare for a lasting sense of loyalty to form and stay strong among men. In this essay I intend to show all the main points of loyalty George and Lennie exhibit to each other and how its seen from others perspective. After the great depression when money was scarce and jobs where hard to get, society lived in a dog eat dog world which is why this relationship is such a special one to all those …show more content…

George seems to have a unique understanding that Lennie need him and takes up a paternal role in the other mans life, going as far as to take the dead mouse off him and scolding him when he doesn’t listen as shown in the quote, “you gonna give me that mouse or do I have to sock you?” Lennie, on the other hand seems to idolise George and constantly asks to be told about the farm, which in itself, can be considered a bed time story of sorts, and mimics Georges movements and actions as show buy the writer “Lennie, who had been watching, imitated George exactly.” Dialogue and what the writer tells us show us the loyalty in these quotes, this shows the reader both Georges no nonsense parental side and Lennie’s innocent and childish traits. These things help the reader understand how close the two men really are, their closeness is also attested to how long they have known each other it which also helps get an idea of their personalities, as people let their guard down around the people they trust or know very

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