Of Mice And Men American Dream Failure Essay

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Of Mice and Men Essay
Katherine Boucher 10B

“The American dream” an idealistic vision held by many that symbolizes the achievement of a perfect life. “The American dream” is a goal that one aspires to achieve in their life time. To different people the dream may have different aspects in it that mean ‘a perfect life’ to them yet the main aspects of “The American dream are freedom, enough money to live life comfortably and to own your own land/house. While this ideal is chased by many, it is very rare that one achieves it. Often the dream fails and the person chasing it is left to the life they are unhappy with.

In Of Mice And Men we are shown the story of the chase and failure of “The American dream” through Lennie and Georges dream of owning their own farm. Throughout the novel, we are shown them facing obstacles which makes their dream slip further and further away and eventually end. The causes for this failure are plentiful but aspects in the story that effected the dream were Lennie’s strength, the impact of the hostile environment at the ranch and the death of Curley’s wife. …show more content…

In chapter 1, we are already shown how oblivious Lennie is to his strength and the consequences that come from it, shown through the deaths of the mice. “She stopped givin’ ‘em to ya. You always killed ‘em” Here George tells us of Lennie would always kill the mice he was given to pet. “They was so little” “Then they was dead” Lennie is unaware of his strength and therefore doesn’t register how much damage he causes from it. The deaths of the mice can foreshadow the deaths of both the dream and Lennie himself. Just as Lennie was unaware of what he could do, he was also unaware of what his strength could bring to

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