Oedipus Rex's Relationship Analysis

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Rex presents with a considerably low, depressed mood, admitting that he believes he is falling apart and has been feeling down recently, with a loss of happiness. Claiming he, “was an idiot recently and lost all of [his] friends,” Rex revealed that he rejected help from friends when they reached out and brought up his declining mental health; Rex decided to cut off communication from his peer groups to avoid such interventions. Although he does continue to attend college, he reports that attending classes has made him aware that he hasn’t felt like himself in a while. Surrounded by successful peers, Rex finds himself often stressed trying to keep up, claiming that he is “starting to rust” and no longer feels as though he belongs in his community. …show more content…

Rex views his actions as not being good enough for the degree of perfection that he expects of himself. His self-esteem is affected by his loss of friendships and feelings of failure at school. Luckily, he has a small support system consisting of his girlfriend and potentially his mother. Although he spends most of his time at home with the girlfriend, he doesn’t mention anything regarding the status of their relationship. Rex does recognize his relationship with his girlfriend to have a good value in his life, which shows that he has still been able to manage and maintain some relationships, regardless of his depression. Having a support system will help Rex improve his low self-esteem by offering an understanding and supportive backing while Rex goes through treatment. Because this relationship is stable and of a positive influence, if Rex ends this relationship, this could be a sign of worsening depression, as he would be further pulling away from social …show more content…

Although he is openly discussing his woes, he has not shared any hints towards wanting to improve his current circumstances outside of mentioning that he has a desire for his stress to “soon end for the best.” Even this phrasing is not without signs wanting to end his pain in some form, perhaps by suicide based on his other language use. This could change as treatment

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