Odysseus and a Modern Mother Are Both Heroes

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A mother is someone that would risk a speeding ticket to get her child to a hospital. A mother is someone that cooks for her family delicious food. A mother is someone that loves her children, even when they disrespect her. A mother is someone who risks all she has for her children. A mother is a HERO! The qualities of a hero are being intelligent, caring, and courageous. Two heroes that display these aspects are Odysseus from the epic The Odyssey and a modern mother. Odysseus, a soldier and a leader, on his journey back from the war of Troy, let the Cyclopes eat his men. In contrast, a modern mom saves her children by rushing to the hospital to save them. To begin, a modern mom and Odysseus both display heroic traits through their wisdom. A mother is also wise and gives her children helpful advice. Whenever a child is confused about what they should do, they turn to their mom; she will tell them to do what is right, not what everyone else is doing. A mother always wants the best for her child that is why she always gives them the best advice. Similarly, Odysseus saved his own life in many ways through his knowledge. One example is when he defeated the Cyclopes. He was smart enough to observe his surroundings and escape. He used the rams to flee, Homer described it by saying, “I tied them silently together, twining cords of willow from the ogre's bed; then slung a man under each middle one to ride there safely, shielded left and right. So three sheep could convey each man” (Homer 993). Through his wisdom, Odysseus came up with a plan that would save him and his men. He tied his men under the rams so they would not be seen and escaped by going out with the rams. In addition, he overcame the Sirens. He took the advice from the godd... ... middle of paper ... ...He saw his best men killed by Scylla, yet he stood there on the ship letting them die. Odysseus saw his men die more than once, yet he never tried to save them. Odysseus and a mother might have common traits, but they are different, a mother saves lives, but Odysseus let his men die. In summary, the aspects of a hero are being adroit, caring, and tenacious. A modern mother and Odysseus both display these traits. Odysseus witnessed his men being killed by the Cyclopes when he was on his way home from Troy, but a mom would do anything to save her children. No matter who a person is, they’re still a hero because a hero is someone that never gives up. A hero doesn’t have to be strong or smart; they just have to be themselves. A hero can be anyone, like an average mom or a famous soldier. In life, every single person is hero; whether they saved a life or saved a soul.

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