Odysseus Strengths And Weaknesses

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A journey at sea magnifies a person's strengths and weaknesses because sea journeys are a tremendous amount of work, and they push you to grow and become better. Plus, crew members live in close confinement with each other, unable to leave for long amounts of time. Whatever your strengths and weaknesses are, they will become apparent to you and everyone else when forced to face the challenges that a sea journey brings about.
In the Odyssey, written by Homer, Odysseus had many strengths and weaknesses that he, and his crew, were aware of. He was too proud, and the Gods punished him for it by forcing him to spend many years at sea. He often let his temper get the best of him and he was a sore winner, as evidenced by his taunting of the Cyclops. However, despite all of this, he was a natural born leader, smart, brave, and strong, He never gave up on returning to Ithaca, even though he spent 20 long years at sea. He had many flaws, and he did struggle, but the many challenges he faced highlighted his strength as a leader and a warrior. …show more content…

In it, Odysseus travels to the land of the dead to talk to Tiresias because Odysseus wants to know how to return home. He encounters a dead crew member, who died only the day before. Odysseus promises the crew member he will burn his body and raise a monument of stones for him. He encounters his dead mother, who was alive when he left for Troy years before. The sight, crushed him, as he did not know she was dead. Yet, he did not let himself get distracted; he did not go near her. He walked on to Tiresias. This shows how dedicated he was to getting home. He would not let anything get in the way of them returning to Ithaca at long

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