Occupational Stress Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay: Hospital Policies to include methods of eliminating occupational stress Health care workers experience adverse effects from occupational stress. This type of stress is detrimental to the workers, patients, and the hospital itself. To respond to this ongoing problem, stress felt by workers should be reported, and treatment should be provided by the hospital. This will help reduce or ultimately eliminate occupational stress by deducing the sources that are causing or contributing to the stress, and by offering treatment options, it will alleviate the burden felt by workers. Hospital policy should enstate a mandatory session where they can discuss signs of occupational stress and the available treatment options. This will go a long way towards creating positive work environments, and interactions. This hospital policy, …show more content…

Stress caused poor performance, physiological strains, absenteeism, and a tense working community, but if it's no longer in place then these negative effects also dissipates. The quality of work improves, the workers feel less physically and mentally drained, and the absence of stressors will eliminate the desire to miss or call off from shifts. Workers can focus on their tasks, and roles within the hospital. All in all, a hospital will function more smoothly if there are provisions that provide stress reduction. Health care workers can make several impacts and go beyond their potential, but not if they're being weighed down by stressors from the workplace. When a hospital implements policy that addresses their issues, it shows commitment to caring, and securing benefits for its employees. Its very important, and highly beneficial to address occupational stress. A few of those benefits include expressive outlets that health care workers are grateful for, work environments that become positive and supportive, and a smooth functioning

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