Assignment 8
Researchers are to develop a research methodology and design for their envisioned dissertation topic. Therefore, it is essential that the research problem statement, purpose statement, and the research questions align with the research topic. The purpose of this paper is to propose and justify a research method and design.
Research Topic
Previous researchers have estimated that one in ten elderly individuals will experience sexual, physical, and psychological abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation (Greenlee, 2012). Therefore, it is suggested that as the elderly population continues to increase so will the prevalence of elder abuse while only a fraction of elder abuse cases are reported to the proper authorities
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(Greenlee, 2012). As a result, the research topic for the dissertation is the prevalence of elder neglect and abuse in selected Ohio nursing homes to discover what, if anything happens to the nursing homes in Central Ohio when cases of elder abuse and neglect are substantiated.
Problem Statement
The prevalence of elder abuse and neglect in nursing homes is underreported, unrecognized, and hidden (Ben Natan & Tabak, 2013; Falk et al. 2012; Norris, Power, Fancey, & Ross, 2013). According to Norris et al. (2013), several methodological challenges affect the research on elder abuse and neglect. Additionally, there are different state laws and legislatures regarding the definition, protocols for reporting, screening, assessment, and measurement of elder abuse and neglect (Ben Natan & Tabak, 2013; Falk et al. 2012; Norris et al. 2013). According to Ben Natan and Tabak (2013) and Bloemen, Rosen, Clark, Nash, and Mielenz (2015) the actual reported cases of elder abuse and neglect is only a fraction of the total unreported elder abuse or neglect cases in nursing homes. However, the reported rates of elder abuse and neglect to long-term care ombudsman and/or other authorities has remained constant despite the recent increases in intervention and prevention
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efforts (Ben Natan & Tabak, 2013; Bloemen et al., 2015). Recent population trends suggest that the adult population aged 65 and older will continue to increase over the next 20 years (Schiamberg et al., 2011). As a result, studies suggest an increase in the prevalence of elder abuse and neglect in institutional settings (Schiamberg et al., 2011). Unfortunately, little research has been conducted on elder abuse and neglect found in nursing homes and what happens to the nursing home once abuse or neglect is found in the nursing home (Ben Natan & Tabak, 2013). Nursing home residents have the right to receive respectful care (Ben Natan & Tabak, 2013) however, studies have shown on average approximately 8.3 reports of abuse per 1,000 individuals over the age of 60 (Forman & McBride, 2010). If the prevalence of elder abuse or neglect in nursing homes continues to increase as the population ages, and if the consequences received by nursing homes are minimal, then more must be known about what happens to nursing homes if abuse or neglect cases are found. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this quantitative study is to discover what happens to selected Ohio nursing homes when authorities find cases of elder abuse or neglect. The participants of the study will include administrative personnel and residents from selected Ohio nursing homes and authorities. There are laws and restrictions that nursing homes must follow (Forman & McBride, 2010). Therefore, previous law cases against nursing homes will be analyzed to determine what, if any, consequences the nursing homes encountered when abuse or neglect cases were found. In addition, the nursing home complaints reported to the Ohio Long-Term Care Ombudsmen Reporting System will be analyzed to determine which Ohio nursing homes had abuse or neglect complaints during a specified time. The study results will analyze the effectiveness of current laws and nursing home policies and whether the current laws and policies lead to higher nursing home abuse-reporting rates (McDonald et al., 2012) and/or if improvements are needed in the laws and policies to decrease the prevalence of nursing home abuse or neglect. Research Questions The following research questions will be answered in order, to determine what happens to selected Central Ohio nursing homes if abuse or neglect cases are substantiated.
Elder abuse and neglect in nursing homes is a growing concern, which must be addressed to help ensure the safety of the aging population.
Q1. What happens to Central Ohio nursing homes when abuse or neglect cases are found?
Q2. How does elder abuse and neglect cases relate to the consequences received by selected Central Ohio nursing homes?
Q3. Why do elder abuse and neglect cases still occur despite the consequences selected Central Ohio nursing homes receive?
H1o. There are no differences in then consequences for Central Ohio nursing homes when elder abuse or neglect cases are found.
H1a. There are differences in the consequences for Central Ohio nursing homes when elder abuse or neglect cases are found.
H2o. There is no statistically significant relationship between elder abuse and neglect cases found in Central Ohio nursing homes and the consequences received by the Central Ohio nursing
homes. H2a. There is a statically significant relationship between the abuse and neglect cases found in Central Ohio nursing homes and the consequences received by selected Ohio nursing homes. H3o. There is no patterns in data for why elder abuse and neglect still occurs in Central Ohio nursing homes despite consequences. H3a. The weaker consequences for elder abuse and neglect cases found in Central Ohio nursing homes leads to continued cases of abuse and neglect found in Central Ohio nursing homes. Research Method The research method used for the dissertation topic on the prevalence of elder abuse and neglect cases found in Central Ohio which includes nine counties: Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Muskingum, Tuscarawas, Ohio nursing homes to discover what happens to the nursing home is the quantitative method. Therefore, the nine counties located in Central Ohio include 51 Medicare and Medicaid Certified nursing homes. The quantitative method is the approach to test objective theories by examining relationships among the variables (Creswell, 2014). Therefore, the research design used with the quantitative research method is the survey research design. Research Design: Overview The survey research design will provide a numeric description of attitudes, trends, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of the population (Creswell, 2014). As a result, the survey research design is applied to the purpose of this study by collecting data from a variety of sources such as questionnaires, previous court cases, or other documents to discover what happens to the selected Central Ohio nursing homes located in nine counties if abuse cases are found. In addition, a developed survey tool will be used for the questionnaire data collection part of the research design sent to nursing home administrators and/or local authorities. Therefore, a questionnaire can be sent through email or mail to the 51 nursing home administrators of the nursing homes located in Central Ohio. In addition, a questionnaire can be mailed or emailed to local authorities or the regional long-term care ombudsman office in Central Ohio to obtain their perspectives on any consequences the nursing homes may encounter if abuse or neglect cases are found. As a result, the data collection technique used here will answer the research questions. The questionnaire format to collect the data will allow the responses to remain confidential if participants wish their answers to remain autonomous. The survey results sent to nursing home administrators and/or local authorities will be analyzed to discover what, if any, consequences the nursing homes in Central Ohio encounter if abuse or neglect cases are substantiated. In addition, the data reports from the local Long-Term Care ombudsman office will show how many complaints were investigated and/or prosecuted for nursing homes within Ohio for a specified period. Consequently, previous court cases or other documents can be analyzed to compare what consequences the nursing homes received if abuse or neglect cases were substantiated. Therefore, the data results will answer research question number one. The responses regarding elder abuse or neglect from the questionnaire sent to nursing home administrators and/or local authorities can be content analyzed in order, to discover if the consequences received relate to the consequences encountered by the nursing home. Therefore, the type of elder abuse or neglect case such as physical, verbal, sexual, financial, or neglect can be compared to the outcome the nursing home received such as citations, fines, suspension, or closure. Consequently, the results will show if cases of elder abuse or neglect relate to any consequences received, which will answer research question number two. In addition, the questionnaire format is ideal to answer research question number three, which is to discover why elder abuse and neglect cases still occur in nursing homes despite the consequences received. As a result, the questionnaire is sent by mail or email to the nursing home administrators and/or local authorities to find out what steps are taken to prevent cases of elder abuse or neglect within the nursing home. Therefore, the results are analyzed to determine if there are similarities among the answers for why elder abuse cases still occur despite policies and/or the Ohio laws in place to protect the elderly residents in nursing homes. Overall, to answer research question three the data will be collected from nursing homes located in nine Ohio counties due to close location of the nursing homes if the participants would like to meet in-person before participating in the questionnaire. Therefore, the data results will allow for further interpretation to determine if any of the current consequences received by Central Ohio nursing homes are stringent enough or if further improvements are needed in order, to combat the elder abuse and neglect cases found in nursing homes.
According to Missouri's Department of Health and Senior Services, there are three things that elder abuse can be classified as. It can be classified as abuse, neglect, or likelihood of serious physical harm. While all of these classifications sounds quite similar, there are some subtle differences. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services defines abuse as " the infliction of physical, sexual, or emotional injury or harm including financial exploitation by any person, firm, or corporation" ("Protective Services For Adults," n.d., para. 4). Elder neglect is "the failure to provide services to an eligible adult by any person, firm, or corporation with a legal or contractual duty to do so, when such failure presents either an imminent danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the client or a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm would result"("Protective Services For Adults," n.d., para. 4). Abuse, neglect, as well as likelihood of serious physical harm are all reportable by law. ("Protective Services For Adults," n.d).
Some of these cases of abuse are done in elderly homes by family members. In the first section of the article, the authors discuss the definition of elder abuse. The authors began with the most common types of elder abuse, which are physical and neglect. Elder abuse is the intentional use of physical force that results in acute or chronic illness, bodily injury, physical pain, functional impairment, distress, or death (Choi NG & Mayer J. In summary, the rhetorical analysis essay discusses how elder abuse and neglect affect the victims physically, emotionally, and professionally.
Rodríguez, M. A., Wallace, S. P., Woolf, N. H., & Mangione, C. M. (2006). Mandatory reporting of elder abuse: Between a rock and a hard place. Annals of Family Medicine, 4(5), 403-409. doi:10.1370/afm.575 kindness to them. Unfortunately, many caregivers take advantage of the elderly by taking their money, by using violence and sexual interference, and by abusing clients emotionally. 96% of elder abuse cases are not reported. ( The Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA) is an organization dedicated to raising awareness about abuse and neglect of older abuse. ( It stands to reason that there is a large problem still rampant in society where others are taken advantage of, or mistreated. Hopefully more documented information and raising awareness of the issue amongst society will allow more people to understand this as a problem and the abusers to be caught. These obvious abuse of rights are something that should be protected, luckily people become more aware of these circumstances that is happening on a regular basis.
In recent years, the shameful subject of elder abuse has gained more awareness among community members. In particular, the complexity of elder financial abuse often makes manipulative dealings by fraudsters difficult to identify and separate from actual permissive transactions made by older victims. The result is that these cases are very rarely prosecuted and many other undetected cases continue to fall far below the radar of society. The consequences of financial exploitation of older adults are reaching far beyond the immediate distress of financial depletion. Victims may also experience declines in physical and mental health as well as the risk of a decrease in life expectancy (Kemp & Mosqueda, 2005). The purpose of the following studies is to address the issue of financial exploitation of elder adults through the means of intervention, prosecution, prevention, and correlation between different forms of abuse.
Of nursing home staff interviewed in 2004, nearly 40% admitted to committing at least one psychologically abusive act toward a resident and 10% admitted to physically abusing a resident in the preceding year.[1] Not only are nursing home residents at risk of being abused by their caretakers but they are also at risk of being restrained, which may lead to a form of abuse. With five percent of the elderly population, or one to two million instances of elder abuse occurring yearly there is no doubt that elder abuse deserves serious consideration.[2]
Though elderly abuse occurs in many nursing homes, it is preventable. It is the nursing aide 's responsibility to provide quality and comfortable care, free from abuse. Many people are not aware that there are several other types of abuse in addition to physical abuse and many are not aware of the signs. If abuse should occur, anyone who suspects or witnesses the abuse is responsible for reporting it. Knowing the types of abuse, being aware of the signs, and reporting incidents are all ways to prevent abuse in nursing homes.
Having a group of senior citizens following you around for dinner most likely doesn’t sound like a fun night. However, working at a nursing home doesn’t feel like an actual job at all; I actually enjoy spending my nights at the Grand Residence. Not only has this job given me responsibility, but I also have built relationships with many residents. While spending my evenings at a nursing home throughout my high school career, I have come to the realization that I am comfortable and genuinely happy with pursuing a career in patient care in the foreseeable future.
With respect to older women, the issue is that there is a serious lack in differentiating between elder abuse and domestic violence. The discrepancy causes confusion as to what agency to report either volunteered or mandated cases of abuse (Kilbane & Spira, 2010). Furthermore, it is because of reporting errors that victims of abuse may not receive the services that are congruent to the type of abuse (Kilbane & Spira, 2010) indicating, “…a lack of centralized reporting of cases….” (Kilbane & Spira, 2010, p. 165).
Many seniors around the world are being abused and harmed in some substantial way often by people who are directly responsible for their care (Robinson, 2016). Neglect of all forms causes harm to a patients overall well-being. Neglect happens in 60% of people and physical abuse happens to 15% of people (Franklin, 2013). There are three different types of neglect that can happen especially to the elderly. The three types of neglect are mental, emotional and physical neglect. Mental neglect, is basically ignoring or just not showing care or love for the patient. Emotional neglect is not only ignoring, but isolating the patient from others. Physical neglect which is causing physical injury to the body from rough handleing or non-supervision. Neglect is damaging not only to a body but also to the mind and over all
They also develop painful and life-threatening decubitus ulcers, and if they are not fed properly, they’re not given sufficient fluids. They are also over-medicated or under-medicated, and dropped causing painful bruises and fractures, are ignored and not included in activities, are left in bed all day, call lights not answered. These are all forms of negligence, performed daily in nursing homes. Nursing homes who receive federal funds are required to comply with federal laws that specify that residents receive a high quality of care. In 1987, Congress responded to reports of widespread neglect and abuse in nursing homes during the 1980’s, which enacted legislation to reform nursing home regulations and require nursing homes participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs to comply with certain requirements for quality of care.
and Laura Burke Fletcher. 2005. “Elder abuse in nursing homes: Prevention and resolution strategies and barriers.” Journal of Criminal Justice. Retrieved October 29, 2017 (
Assisted Living Facilities abuse is a frequently occurring problem in our society (Hamilton). There are diverse categories of abuse that transpire in Assisted Living Facilities which are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, and financial abuse. Samples of physical abuse would be hitting or beating the elders with an object or their hand, force feeding them or pulling their hands. Sexual abuse is the Assisted Living Facility employees having sexual acts with non-consenting patients. Emotional abuse is the employees saying things verbally to torment the patient. Neglect would be the employee does not take care of the patients such as providing hygiene. Abandonment occurs when leaving patients to fend for themselves. Financial abuse is when the patient’s family pays for the services that were not taken care of. “Elder abuse is fast becoming one of the uppermost law enforcement tasks of the next century, “said Paul Hodge who investigates crime against the elderly (Gonzalez). Since abuse occurs throughout assisted living facilities, state and federal governments should establish a type of punishment such as sending for employees to prison, ways to prevent abusing elderly’s is by inspecting employees ' criminal records, qualified staff, reporting injuries, having surveillance of the areas that do not affect patients privacy, promoting continuous family visits, and shortage of staffing.
the Administration on Aging, there are seven basic types of elder abuse: physical, sexual, neglect, exploitation, emotional, abandonment, and
Now within the rest of this paper you will be finding a few different things getting discussed. Staring it off we will be discussing the articles that we have found to make our arguments and hypotheses. After wrapping up the literature reviews we will be discussing the hypotheses thus continuing onto our variables and indicators. Once we discuss our hypotheses we will be moving onto the research design. The research design will have our general issues, sampling, and methods.