Nurse Admission Essay

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I believe that higher education offered in the past decades and centuries is not adequate for addressing the realities of the current century and decade. Care environments and patient needs have become more multidimensional, thus the need for nurses to achieve requisite and intensifying competencies and roles for effective and high quality care delivery. I also believe that today’s nurses are required to take up mounting roles in nursing as well as master information systems and technological tools while collaborating with different teams of healthcare professionals.
With no doubt, the changing roles of nurses will be a challenging journey for me as a nurse. I believe that it is only with passion and the determination for achieving high-quality care that one can adapt to the changes in nursing. I believe that this is a new opportunity for me to make a difference by being among the first nurses to take up the challenge and set a foundation for the future of …show more content…

My communication and teamwork skills are exceptions, which has seen me gain numerous experiences and skills for 7 years working with different teams or health and non-health professionals. This has enabled me to acquire numerous skills including strategic thinking, precision, organizational skills, communication skills, team leadership, operations management, and subject matter expertise. As a hard-working and enthusiastic individual, I always ensure to do beyond my best in whatever I purse, whether work, education, research, internship, and even voluntary work. This determination has seen me successfully complete my Master of Science in Pharmacology/Toxicology and Bachelor of Arts in Biology as well as numerous medical and biological theises and studies. My personality has enabled me to accomplish my previous education as well as gain a diversified and rich experience in the healthcare

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