Nuclear Weapons & Nuclear Warfare

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Nuclear Weapons & Nuclear Warfare Throughout half the century of the 19’s hundreds a period of new advancements in the creations of a bomb had arisen. On August 8th, 1939 President Roosevelt received a letter from Albert Einstein which ended up being the fundamental support in the creation of the Atomic Bomb. There are two types of atomic bombs fusion and fission, the first atomic bomb was created in 1939 by the Manhattan Project, three weeks later after its first test, it was used in an actual war. It’s capable of wiping out a whole entire city and killing instantly anyone in its way. Now we have better more precise bomb know as hydrogen bombs, these bomb use the energy released when the nuclei of a hydrogen come together or fuse, unlike a fission bomb which gets its energy from when the nuclei of a heavy element such as plutonium or uranium splitting apart creating a chain reaction leading to a large explosion. The destruction of a nuclear weapon is devastating at the center of the explosion temperatures reach the millions. A strong blast of wind strong enough to knock building flat, strong enough to blast the paint on your car, as for a person goes you will be vaporized instantly by the gamma rays the bomb release. People who survived the blast die in a matter of weeks, this claimed most of the deaths over a period of months. Nuclear bombs have the equivalent energy to 1 million tons of TNT, many of the people who survived received second degree burns due to their clothes burning onto their backs. Cancer soon was diagnosed on many of the survivors. In the first week after the explosion of the atomic bomb used in Nagasaki and Hiroshima most of deaths were related to burns, falling building, rays, wo... ... middle of paper ... ...cessfully to carry out a nuclear test, this created a great disapproval internationally. Who knows what await us in 30 years with nuclear weapons and warfare, but sure hope we don’t end up in a war for then well all die. The use of nuclear weapons will always be debated, but in the end if the force is needed to protect the country then so be it. Many people know as Preppers fear for a nuclear attack and have to extreme measures to make sure there are save in case of one. They stock on food, supplies, gas, safety equipment, guns and some even go underground spending over 100,000 dollars. "Atomic bomb." World of Invention. Gale, 2006. Science in Context. Web. 27 May 2014. "Nuclear Fusion." World of Physics. Gale, 2010. Science in Context. Web. 27 May 2014. "Nuclear weapons." Environmental Encyclopedia. Gale, 2011. Science in Context. Web. 27 May 2014.

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