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1. 1911, Dove, Arthur G, American, Nature Symbolized, Pastel on paper, American Painting.
TXT- He was concentrated with the spiritual forces of nature than the exterior aspects and curvy shapes of the pastels were inspired from nature. The image is a complete abstraction of a dove used with pastels to create a geometric figure. Pg 346
CLS- His collages are made of complete natural pieces like sand, shells, leaves, sticks to give his compositions an abstract natural quality with all of the elements.
2. 1914, De Chirico, Giorgio, Italian, The Melancholy and Mystery of a Street, Oil on canvas, Pittura Metafisica.
TXT- This piece describes an dark emotional effect in the entire composition because of the night, shadowy scene of the building on the left and the empty cart that’s outside with the little girl, along with shadow figure in the background. Pg 189
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CLS- He uses dream like qualities to create a reality that seems to be metapsychical throughout all of his paintings.
To establish scenes that are ominous to the viewer with all the right elements to bring up a threatening environment.
3. 1915, Malevich, Kazimir, Russian, Suprematist paintings, Suprematism.
TXT- It included thirty nine non representational paintings that are Suprematism, which included the painting Black Square that was the symbol of Suprematism. Pg 203
CLS- He defined Suprematism as pure creative art that is expressive and a separation from reality. His work was reduced to its basic geometric form that brings simplicity to the viewer.
4. 1917, Duchamp, Marcel, Bottle Rack and Fountain, French, Installation photograph, Dada.
TXT- This particular piece was created with an assortment of items that were found like a bottle rack and a fountain to establish visual indifference of good or bad taste. Page
220 CLS- His work can be created out of anything that didn't require any special adjustment, all he needed was readymade objects to set up the composition in a specific manner. 5. 1917, Rietveld, Gerrit, Red and Blue Chair, Dutch, Painted Wood, De Stijl. TXT- This chair was constructed with regular wood pieces painted red for the back and blue for the seat along with black frames and yellow tips to create a skeleton like structure. Pg 274 CLS- All of his crafted pieces have a grand aspect to them that seems to be a classical fit for any home, which his designs were inspired by paintings by Van Doesburg.
time. Through everything, he realized the power that art could express. He had many viewpoints
Malevich’s description of the cutting-edge zaum style speaks to his view on the intimate connection between the spiritual and the non-objective. Specifically, he wrote in a personal correspondence from 1913 that zaum stylists in both literature and in painting rejected conventional reason for the simple yet persuasive fact that another kind of reason had been stirred within them that had its own peculiar law, construction and sense; Malevich chose to describe this new kind of reason as “beyond-reason-ness” and he argued that this “beyond-reason” gave pictures their right to exist. Malevich wanted to produce a new kind of art that would employ a logic using the full range of the human psyche – including its capacity for vitality, for novelty and for true creation. Ultimately, what Malevich was really after, c...
of aesthetic towards life like other artwork does. It accomplished this by tearing the conventional
...sthetics and defends the liberty of creation; he defends the subjective thing in the work of art, the conscious process of creation.
every detail as if he were painting nothing more than what it is, however when you observe what he is tr...
“Tara Donovan earned a BFA from the Corcoran College of Art and Design in 1991, and an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1999 (Donovan).” While at the Corcoran College of Art and Design, Tara Donovan was taught by Kendall Buster. Donovan worked with Kendall Buster after graduation for many years. She learned a lot from working with Buster, especially about “working with assistants and making things on a very large scale (Baume et al. pg#).” Eventually, Donavan began to make artwork from everyday objects like toothpicks, tar paper, drinking straws, scotch tape and styrofoam cups. Donovan began making art from this format because these items were affordable on a waitress’s salary (Baume et al. pg#). Donovan has received many awards for her work. Among some of the awards are the prestigious MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Award (2008) and the first annual Calder Prize (2005) (Pace Gallery - Tara Donovan). From being taught and working for Buster, Donovan learned to make artwork on a very large scale and began to use every day, affordable objects to do
He argued that past art demanded thought and understanding, whereas advertising and celebrity culture demanded only immediate attention, very quickly becoming uninteresting and boring(). Art should stimulate more the viewer than just visually. Art that has substance behind it I tend to remember more or think about more. This piece is innovative, it brings about ideas with it that hadn’t been discovered in our society. I can see how the audience at first glance could consider this not to be art. I probably would’ve agreed, but learning about it I know that every time I see the repeated images of the soup cans I now think twice. I consider good art to be art that is able to stimulating the mind visually, by bringing about new
Vincent Van Gogh’s strive towards new and interesting compositions of the same object is something relevant to my own work. Though, the same object repeated has been done before, the current work is set on solving the problem of what is seen inside of another object. The relationship from the viewer to the object to the object within the object creates a new sense of direction, an opportunity to explore. This is also seen with pumpkins in a previous series, which worked more from the view of the same object various ways. My paintings relate to the observations of Vincent Van Gogh and Philip Guston.
“For dearly even painters when they try to imagine the most unusual sirens or satyrs, cannot assign natures to them which are completely new; rather they simply mix up the parts of different animals. Even if they happen to think up something so novel that nothing like it was ever seen before- so that it is therefore very dearly fictitious and false – nonetheless, at least the colors from which they paint it must surely be real.” (pg.20) They may fuse together different parts of bodies or images, but the simple parts such as shape, quantity, and size are in essence real or at least derived from the real things. So he reasons, that more tangible ideas (physics, astronomy, and medicine) are formed by simplex ideas (arithmetic and geometry) and can be
what the art oriented itself to. Decor of insides - the motley carpet and heavy couches.
There are 3 things in this painting that absolutely stood out to me. First is the way the mother is
...r instance snow, stones, wood, water, mud, flower petals, or even his own saliva to create his work, and beautiful structure with them. I have been influenced to use different shaded autumn leaves which blend in to form a vivid flower. As well as that I can learn how to be resourceful from just a limited amount of materials.
In this picture, you can definitely see his influence from artists such as El Greco and Bosch, with the clutterness and 2D nature of the pictures.
modern art. It is no surprise that he was an open-minded critic, attentive observer, inspired
play a major role in the poetry he writes. He tends to use nature to