North Korea Research Paper

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North Korea: Stop the Production of Nuclear Weapons
The free world agreed that no one will make, produce or fire a nuclear weapon. The nuclear weapons age, and ability was years ago,. Still countries still have them because they were before the treaty that says that no country's can build them. So North Korea is breaking the policy with a little nudge of the US president beside the North Korean president is also a little crazy too. The US should investigate North Korea, and stop them from developing nuclear weapons, and other high explosive rockets.

The history of North Korea. North Korea has been more on the fence with us since trump got into office. Choe Sang-Hun mentions “North Korea conducted a series of nuclear and ballistic-missile tests since 2006” (Sang-Hun). This means they have been doing this for a will. “Effort to develop a small, and sophisticated nuclear warheads,” Choe Sang-Hun states (Sang-Hun). They want to make a small, but tough warhead for a long time. We have dealt with them before in war, and if it comes down to that again, so be it. …show more content…

We already went to war with North Korea. This time we should talk with the North, and come to agreement. Nicholas Eberstadt mentioned that, “we need more effective defenses against the DPRK's means of destruction while simultaneously weakening the regime's capabilities for both conventional, and strategic offense” (Eberstadt). We need to look out for the nuclear weapons, and missiles that they are building. Nicholas Eberstadt stated, “We should but pyongyang back on the state sponsors of terrorism list- it never should have been removed in 08”(Eberstadt). This is a problem for many countries that don't have a little, or not a lot of defences. North Korea's leader, and leading staff for the country is the most consequences and South Korea, and her allies need to watch the north,and deal with them if

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