North American Porcupine Research Paper

401 Words1 Page

Erethizon dorsatum (porcupine)


The North American porcupine, also called the common porcupine, is one of the largest rodents in North America, it is stout and slow, and it also has needle-like quills that it uses for protection. An adult porcupine weighs 16 kg, and can be brown, grey, black, and even yellow. It’s symmetry is bilateral.

Domain- Eukarya
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Chordata
Class- Mammalia
Order- Rodentia
Family- Erethizontidae
Genus- Erethizon
Species- dorsatum

Size And Weight:
An adult porcupine weighs 16kg, and is 90cm tall.

The picture shows where porcupines live in North America


Porcupines live in North America.

Food Source:
Porcupines eat plants like …show more content…

Interesting facts:
Porcupine's babies are called pups.
Porcupines have an odor that gets stronger when they are agitated.
Porcupines are the only North American animal with antibiotics in their skin.
Porcupines have quills that are easily detachable and are toxic.

Diet and predators

The north American porcupine is a herbivore. It’s main food source is different types of wood, but it eats berries and springtime flower buds. It has large front teeth that help it eat wood. A porcupine is usually preyed on by wolves, but they use their quills and odor to ward off prey.

Range and habitat

Porcupines live in the forests of North America. They can also live in grasslands and deserts of Europe and Asia. There are many predators that share the same habitat with porcupines, so they use their quills as defense.


A porcupine reproduces sexually, and has one pup at a time. The mating season of a porcupine is once a year during the months of October and November. When the pup is born for six weeks the mother stays close to it. After a month the mother will start to leave the pup alone until winter when she leaves the pup forever.



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