Nonprofits Problem

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This phenomena is felt particularly strongly by young men. (Journal of College Counseling.) Perhaps as a vestige of the times when the functioned together as hunters, guards, or soldiers, men have an innate drive to develop a camaraderie with their peers. When society rudely informs them that, contrary to their prior understanding, being close to other guys must mean they’re gay, it doesn't take long for them to decide that not how they want to be seen and begin to distance themselves. This emotional distancing leaves them with disembodied, weak relationships, which can be very frustrating and leave many feeling lonely. (Journal of College Counseling) When this is contrasted to the attitude men exhibited a few generations ago, as evidenced …show more content…

Unlike many other concerns seen in our world, it can't be helped by legislation or by authoritative fiat. The government can't solve this problem, because the government didn't cause this problem. Schools can't solve this problem, because schools didn't cause this problem. Nonprofits can't solve this problem, because nonprofits didn't cause this problem. The only thing that can help work towards a solution is individuals. The decline of platonic intimacy has been exacerbated by societal trends, but it's imperative to remember that society is made up of individuals. When we speak about society and the problems it causes, we can't forget that it is our society. We are influenced by society, but we also have the potential to influence …show more content…

The changes that got American society into this mess were effected by individuals acting and making decisions in a new way, across the country. In the same way, if we wish to regain a healthy view of relationships, individuals must begin to make decisions in their own lives that support that goal. Culture wasn't changed in a day, so to expect this change to occur rapidly and uniformly is unrealistic. Instead, it’s the job of those who want to change to do so in their own lives first. Once someone realizes the problem, and decides to be a part of the solution, the first step is to intentionally begin to alter their own ideas about relationships and friendship. By beginning with themselves, they will create a sort of social enclave among their network, an enclave where a healthier and more fulfilling view of friendship is prevalent. When others see this, and see the effect that view has on the quality of relationships, they will be attracted to that same view. By doing this, platonic intimacy will begin to be normalized again, instead of being seen as excessive or inappropriate. As this worldview spreads and grows in popularity, it will gain traction and respectability, until it begins to influence society, leading by example into a better mode of interpersonal

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