Noah Jed Riseman Analysis

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Noah Jed Riseman is an Australian professor at the Australian Catholic University (“Noah Jed Riseman”). He attended Georgetown University in Washington, DC, where he received his bachelor’s degree in history with a minor of Spanish, of which he is fluent (“Noah Jed Riseman”). He went on to receive a PhD in history and Australian studies from the University of Melbourne in 2008 (“Noah Jed Riseman”). He started working at the Australian Catholic University in that same year, and since then he has been both a Senior Lecturer and an Assistant Head of School (“Noah Jed Riseman”). He has been a guest lecturer across the world in both English and Spanish (“Noah Jed Riseman”). Previously, Riseman has also worked at the University of New England (“Noah …show more content…

Riseman begins the article by quoting George W. Bush’s speech thanking the Navajo Codetalkers for their service. Bush thanks them, but he does not address the history the Navajo Nation has had with the United States government. This is a trend among many books and articles about the Codetalkers as well. They fail to mention the conflicts that surrounded them at the time and at other times in history. Riseman argues that the government “use[d] Navajos as ‘tools’ for the war” (Riseman 49). Before the war, there was extreme prejudice against the Navajo, and although they were praised during the war this prejudice returned as soon as the war was over. This started during the time of colonialism, as the Navajo had frequent conflicts with Spain and then the United States. One example of these occurred just before the war, during the Great Depression. There were many reforms in the Department of the Interior, and “the Navajo Nation resisted many of the reforms because they included the imposition of livestock reduction” (Riseman 50). Another conflict came about at the onset of World War II. The Navajos and other Native American groups protested because they were required to partake in the conscriptions for the draft even though they still did not have the right to

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