Nikola Tesla And The AC Current

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Nikola Tesla, arguably one of the most renowned inventors in American history, developed the AC current, patented in 1888, to further ease the use of electricity. He sought for a more efficient way to transport energy and spoke out against Thomas Edison’s use of the direct current. Being a worker for him for some time he got to witness Edison’s tactics firsthand when it came to generating power. Starting as early as the 1880’s, people from around the world started contemplating on how to effectively generate and transport energy. With the discovery of electricity provided by Thomas Edison others were trying to elaborate on his ideas. Nikola Tesla was the most prominent but he certainly wasn’t the first or last. Although he is claimed to be the founder of the alternating current there were ideas for similar to his theories floating around in Italy as well as Russia. For instance, William Stanley Jr. designed a practical device to transfer AC power and papers from Galileo Ferraris explained the rotating magnetic fields which further lead to induction motors. These contributed heavily to the final design constructed by Nikola Tesla himself as well as a plethora of other mini contraptions made by a copious amount of inventors around the globe. The hullabaloo between the two categories effectively created the first War of Currents. Tensions ran high as both competed to rise up and become the dominant source of energy to power most parts of the world. Westinghouse and Edison’s company were the main competitors in this uphill battle to become the best. While scientists around the world were fixated on improving on this new concept Edison did little to implement further improvisions on his idea. Instead he bickered with the public about ...

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.... Business related to electrical devices skyrocketed which further enhanced the need for alternated currents. During the late 1800’s, the expansion of the electromagnetic field of science aided America in booming its economy and assemble a new standard of living. This altered the culture tremendously and ensured that future developments would be possible.
Climbing these tremendous feats would not have been possible without the genius’ of the time. Of all these individuals, Nikola Tesla is the first to come to mind. As an employee of Thomas Edison he simply worked as an engineer but quickly rose up the ranks. His main contributions to the method of alternating currents was mainly designing transmission systems and induction motors to be implemented in future motors in devices. Although his famous induction motor seemed to be a project he himself created, the basis

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