Netflix Research Paper

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Netflix the Organization
Netflix is known for having a unique company culture. In 2009, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings published a PowerPoint slide deck summarizing the culture. This has begun a new type of culture in today’s business world. Netflix focuses on hiring people that will flourish in their highly competitive, high performing atmosphere.
Values at Netflix
In the PowerPoint slide deck released by Hastings, it references values that are said to be valued by other companies such as Integrity, Communication, Respect, and Excellence. The slide deck states that Enron had these values displayed in their lobby. Obviously these values were not actually what was valued. Netflix believes that what is actually valued is shown by who is promoted; not by saying something is valued. They strive to hire and promote people that show these nine behaviors and qualities Judgment, Communication, Impact, Curiosity, Innovation, Courage, Passion, Honesty, and Selflessness. (McAlone, Slide Deck). …show more content…

It states, “The more these sound like you, and describe people you want to work with, the more likely you will thrive at Netflix.” (Culture at Netflix). In her article for the Harvard Business Review Patty McCord, former chief talent officer for Netflix, talks about how they strive to hire employees that are “fully formed adults” (pg. 4). This means that they attempted to hire employees that used logic and common sense and did not require micro management to be successful.
At Netflix, they believe that if you have the nine values they are looking for and are a “fully formed adult” you are more capable of being a good team player. If they realize you do not have these values or behaviors you can expect one of their infamously generous severance packages. If you do have them you could thrive in their culture and do amazing things, as long as your skills are required.
Culture of

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