Neo Functionalism Theory Of Integration Essay

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The European Union (EU) represents one of the most successful experiments in regional integration in the history of international relations. There is no doubt about that European Union is the most institutionalized international organization in the world. It shows up an effort at promoting the political and economic integration of its member states in Europe. As the neo-functionalism theory emphasizes to regional integration and mutual cooperation, so the aim of this paper is to examine the application of neo-functionalism theory in European integration process since the very beginning of what is called today the European Union.
In establishing my argument, the answer will be divided into four sections including introductory …show more content…

He argued that greater interdependence in the form of transnational ties between states may follow peace. Mitrany believed that cooperation shouldn’t be organized by politicians but by technical experts. These experts would sort out solutions to common problem in many functional areas such as transport, finance, communication and so on. 2 Both functionalism and neo-functionalism are based upon the view that integration precedes best by working from areas of mutual and overlapping interest. But neo-functionalism is different from functionalism in a number of important variants. First of all, it is a theory of regional rather than global integration. And secondly, neo-functionalists have been much more aware in institution shaping than were the original …show more content…

One trend has been integrating the economies of its members. This has brought about resistance from members who have been unwilling to surrender more sovereignty to the institutions, as the three distinguish institutions such as the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Agency and the European Economic Community were converged in 1967.
The other trend has been the dynamic enlargement of the European Union in four phases, with a fifth major extension occurring in 2004. The European Union now consisted of 28 members with Bulgaria and Romania being included in 2007. The primary phase of enlargement occurred in 1973, with the affirmation of England, Denmark, and Ireland to the European Union.
After England had experienced serious economic crisis in the 1960s, it applied for the membership in the European Community in 1967. However, its membership application in 1967 was vetoed by Gaullist France; France vetoed the British application for the membership in 1967. Because it believed that England would works as a ‘Trojan horse’ for the USA, allowing Washington to continue to maintain its hegemony on the

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