The Cold War and Its Impact on European Integration

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The Cold War did not directly involve Europe, but Europe and its various states were key players and key sources of tension between the two great powers, the USSR and the United States of America. The dates of the beginning and end of the Cold War are debated but 1947-1991 is generally agreed upon. In this paper, I will attempt to outline the events of the Cold War which were relevant to Europe and how this affected European integration and relations. ‘Integration’ here refers to the process of transferring powers of decision-making and implantation from national to supranational level. Europe was weakened after World War Two, especially in contrast with the USSR and the USA. Traditional European hegemony was at an end and Europe had to find a new dynamic without becoming involved in conflict with the two new superpowers.
The Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference was held in February 1945, while World War II was still going on. The President of the USA Franklin D. Roosevelt, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin met at Yalta to discuss the dynamics of Europe after the end of World War Two. It was held before there was any mention of the Cold War or rivalry between the USSR and the USA. The Yalta Conference was preceded by the Tehran Conference in 1943 and the Potsdam Conference in July 1945 concluded the wartime conferences. Each representative had an agenda; Churchill wanted democratic governments in Eastern Europe, Roosevelt desired Soviet assistance against the Japanese in the East and Soviet membership in the UN, and Stalin wanted a sphere of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe, to act as a buffer zone against further attack, which would become the basis of the Iron Cu...

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