Nelson Mandela's Political Work In South Africa

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Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela’s political work in South Africa greatly impacted the lives of many South Africans and even Americans today. His life was a life filled with many great political and social challenges. He worked in the anti-apartheid movement so his great works and striving passion would later change the world. Mandelas life, while difficult at times, helped him become the man that changed the world. Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in South Africa, Houghton. According to Bill Keller, author of Tree Shaker the Story of Nelson Mandela, Nelson’s father (Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa) was a Xhosa chief in Transkei (120). According to, Mandela was one of ten children. His sibling were Lieby Piliso, Nothusile …show more content…

Such as his political work in South Africa and his help in the anti-apartheid movement. Nelson Mandela will mainly be remembered for his work with anti-apartheid. Helping the people of today be equal no matter what skin color they are. After the national party in South Africa gained power, the entirely white government immediately began enforcing existing policies of racial segregation under a system of legislation that is called apartheid. In 1961, Mandela became the leader of the ANC’s armed wing, Umkhonto We Sizwe, which he co-founded. He co-ordinated a sabotage campaign against military and government targets, and made plans for a possible guerilla war if sabotage failed to end apartheid ( Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for his beliefs, on August 5 1962. After being on the run for 17 months and was put in the Johannesburg fort ( He spent 27 full years in prison and his spirit was never broken. After all his time in prison, as soon as he got out he started to help the anti-apartheid movement. Nowadays people are walking freely together no matter what skin color they have. It only depends on their personality on how we treat them. With all of Mandela 's works and achievements, the world would not be the …show more content…

Many of these great works included him unifying South Africa and pushing for reconciliation between blacks and whites in the post-apartheid era. He is also the proud winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Mandela was a great influence on the anti-apartheid. He rose to prominence for his defiance campaign in 1952 and congress in 1955. Mandela shaped the future for all South Africans in today 's society by turning South Africa into a democracy, making it one of the world 's most progressive constitutions and allowing blacks not only into polling booths, but also into the corridors of

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