Nelson Mandela And Harriet Tubman's Impact On American History

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Have you ever thought how someone can change the world, and how they did it with all the adversity they had to face? Three people who did accomplish this are Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman, and Edwin Broni-Mensah. Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa, where he fought for the rights of black south Africans. Harriet Tubman was a slave born in pre-Civil War era, she saved thousands of slaves and was a conductor on the underground railroad. Edwin Broni-Mensah founded a non-profit company that provided water for thousands of people in Ghana. Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman, and Edwin Broni-Mensah all helped to change the lives of many people and they did this by fighting for justice. Nelson Mandela was a great activist who fought for equal rights. …show more content…

Tubman was a conductor on the underground railroad and saved thousands of slaves. For example, “She had been taught to say, ‘Yes, Missus,’ ‘No, Missus,’ to white women, ‘Yes, Mas’r,’ ‘No, Mas’r,’ to white men. Or, ‘Yes, sah,’ ‘No, sah.’” (Petry). This shows how she was a slave, this starts the idea in her that she wants to be free. Another quote is, “Old Rit would say a prayer that the hoofbeats would not stop. If they did, there would be the dreadful sound of screams. Because the runaway slave had been caught, would be whipped, and finally sold to the chain gang” (Petry). This shows further about how slaves were treated, and how Tubman became more upset about the way slaves were treated. Petry pointed out, “He talked about the arrival of the wild ducks, the thickness of the winter coat of muskrats and of rabbits. He was always talking about the woods, the berries that grew there, the strange haunting cries of some of the birds, the loud sound their wings made when they were disturbed and flew up suddenly. He spoke of the way the owls flew, their feathers so soft that they seemed to glide, soundless, through the air” (Petry). You can see how Ben was preparing Tubman before she even knew it. In conclusion, Harriet Tubman freed thousands of slaves and had a profound effect on …show more content…

Broni-Mensah got water for thousands of Ghanaians and other rural African countries. First of all, “The Manchester-based PhD student's response was to launch GiveMeTap -- a sustainable water scheme where people can buy stainless steel water bottles and refill them using a network of cafes and restaurants across Britain” (Said-Moorhouse). Here, Broni-Mensah started the company when he realized how hard it must be to get clean water to poor people. Moreover, “Outside of Africa, Broni-Mensah continues to push the GiveMeTap ethos and build up the free water refill participation network” (Said-Moorhouse). As you can see here, Broni-Mensah is working hard to build up GiveMeTap’s reputation so he can give more clean water to rural Africa. As Said-Moorhouse said, “To date, GiveMeTap has been able to build four water projects in Ghana, Malawi and Namibia with another four projects to be constructed in Ghana from December” (Said-Moorhouse). Broni-Mensah’s company has been quite successful in building water projects. consequently, GiveMeTap and Broni-Mensah has been able to save thousands of people and will save thousands

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