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“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”
-Neil Armstrong
Landing on the moon was a monumental event, not just for Americans, but for the whole world. In 1969, America sent the first man to the moon, Neil Armstrong. This was important because during that time America and the Soviet Union were in a race to see who had the strongest space travel. Neil Armstrong's famous words will forever echo throughout space and time.
Landing on the moon was a true test to Americas advancements over the rest of the world. However, an advertisement by Orion telescopes may depict a different story. The advertisement consists of three images at different magnifications. The lowest magnification is a shot of the moon from a great
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China on the other hand, is viewed as a lesser country with not a lot to offer. China however, is still growing and with time, will be respected as a country. The world is constantly changing and whether it's war, peace, or space travel the power of countries will always be shifting from one to the other. This advertisement helps show how China, which may be a less respectable country, can make a big difference by assisting other countries, and through the advertisement of a flag with fine print, Orion shows that America on the outside seems to be dominant and more advanced, but adding this comedic aspect to the respectable flag creates fear that China is the new, dominant …show more content…
Even with all the technology in the world today, space is still mostly undiscovered.There are a few things that we know are true about space; in Earth’s case it revolves around the Sun with many other planets, and without the sun humankind as we know it would cease to exist. Another thing humans know is that the moon revolves around the Earth, and without the moon, Earth would be affected in a variety of ways. Earth seems very dependent on outside its forces. However, the moon would just be a giant rock floating in space without the Earth. The ad by Orion creates a beautiful, underlying picture that might be hard to see. The American flag on the moon with the “MADE IN CHINA” symbolises China as the moon and is revolving around the rest of the world, including America. Without the rest of us, China would be hopeless and have no purpose, but with help from the rest of the world, China is given a purpose to be part of society. This is what the advertisement by Orion is trying to convey to the
Visually, the moon is bigger and brighter, juxtaposed to the words engulfing the earth with its bigger and bolder shade. The man sitting on the moon has his eyes glued on the television to symbolize the American people’s cynical attitude. Because the launch interested many individuals, they used it as a tool that prevented them from giving their full attention to the earth’s crisis. He ultimately challenges the conduct in which people choose to show during the time of two influenced
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," said by Neil Armstrong as he took his first steps on the moon during the NASA Apollo 11 expedition to the moon. No man has ever been to the moon before and NASA, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was the first to get someone to land on the moon. NASA has had many great accomplishments in exploring the "new frontier" that have affected the United States ever since it was first created in July 1958. The idea for NASA first started when the Soviet Union launched the first satellite on October 4, 1957. United States started up its own space travel program and started to work on its own projects that would be better in than the Soviet Union's. This all started the great space race. It was a big race between the Soviet Union and the United States to see who could learn and discover the most. The United States and Soviet Union started building and sending satellites and space ships. Then they tried to see who could make a suit and ship that would be able to allow a living thing to go up in space. They tested out all of the equipment with monkeys and dogs, seeing what would work. Many animals did die in the process but by the results of their testing they were able to build suits and ships that allow human beings to go up in space. Even though they were able to create these machines, that doesn't mean that they didn't have their difficulties and dangers. Two space shuttles were crashed or blown up. There were many key factors that they had learned to fix that resulted in the crashing of those ships. They have made many discoveries and accomplishments like having the first astronauts walk on the moon.
As a result of the successful mission that landed the first men on the moon, called the Apollo 11 mission, many people were inspired to provide commentary on this landing. Although these texts describe unique individual purposes about this landing, they all effectively support their purposes through the use of several rhetorical devices.
In September 1961, president John. F. Kennedy delivers one of his best inspirational speeches titled “We choose to go to the Moon”. This notorious speech was addressed at Rice University in Houston Texas to a very fortunate crowd of students. The significance of his timing is both vital and genius for at the time being the cold war between the United States of America and Russia had been in mid-hype, Russia leading in the space race. This brought doubt to the Americas power and authority thus giving his speech more influential drive. Kennedys fear of the Soviet Union landing on the moon first is because he did not want to see the accomplishment “governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of
...ess for our country than to land on the moon first, before the Soviet Union (We Choose to go to the Moon).
The following four texts apart of the Culminating Activity were all related to the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, which had first put a man on the moon. The first article was from the Times of London, and served to describe the events of the moon landing from the astronaut's point of view. The article used anecdotal evidence to describe Aldrin and Armstrong's experience in order to inform the audience of what had occurred, as well as the reactions in several different countries.. The speaker is a from a reputable news source, The Times, and is informing the European audience - as this event was apart of America’s space program, NASA - of the landing as a great success. Although
"First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."- John F. Kennedy. On a warm July night in 1969, this dream came true. Millions of people sat captivated in front of their TVs witnessing one of the most monumental events in history, Neil Armstrong walking gracefully on the moon. This event in US history changed the way we look at space forever. Political issues such as the Vietnam War and foreign affairs were on the forefront of American's minds. Thousands of people came peacefully together in a historical concert event called Woodstock. Children were introduced to a place called "Sesame Street" and Heavy Metal meant more than just an old car. The year 1969 impacted American's lives today in politics, science, sports, art, entertainment and daily living.
If Apollo 11 had failed, if two of our nation's greatest heroes were left stranded on the Moon with only hours of oxygen, the President would have been asked to give a speech. This speech was written, but fortunately, was never required to be shared. In this never given speech, William Safire (President Nixon’s head speech-writer) puts into words a remarkably effective sentiment that truly serves what would have been its intended purpose, to comfort the American People, and reassure them that this is not the end of Apollo. Safire brilliantly uses rhetoric to further his argument, utilizing primarily pathos supplemented by logos. Safire knew that Nixon would have gone into this speech with a strongly established ethos, President of the United
On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong planted the first human footprints in the lunar soil. The United States had accomplished their goal in sending men to the moon. They managed to not only send them 238,857 mi. (384,403 km) into space to our neighbor celestial body, but also send them back with a successful flight to our mother earth. This seems like a difficult task for a country that was behind Russia in space exploration at the time.
The world would have been very different if we had not landed on the moon and made it back safely those couple days in July of 1969. Many people were nervous and skeptical that the mission of Apollo 11 wouldn’t work, some even coming to the worst case scenario. As a president, President Nixon had to be prepared for any outcome of this great event in history. Regardless of the mission’s success, a speech was prepared for the outcome of Apollo 11 failing. The speech, In Event of Moon Disaster, written for President Nixon, effectively uses pathos and logos to appeal to a distraught nation in fragile time and uses descriptive language to regain the embodiment of hope again in the country. Because it was written before the event took place, however,
Following the print, one of the most attention-grabbing visuals you notice in this advertisement is the gun imprinted with the pattern of the American flag. This is the only element in color, therefore it immediately catches your eye and leaves the rest of the image looking lifeless. However one point of matter most people fail to notice is that the pattern of the flag is both backwards and slanted. This represents a disheveled, unorganized America and subconsciously the viewers think this while reading and examining the ad. Therefore this aspect aids in reinforcing that the problem is an American problem
all the people around the world could watch and see what it was like on the moon. On this same
Many people believe that in 1969, the US was the first country to send a man to the moon. NASA was the organization that supposedly sent a man to the moon. The US was in a race against the Soviet Union. They were in a race because they each were trying to prove that one country was better than the other. The competition they were in was the race of who could be the first country to ever put a man on the moon. John F. Kennedy started the moon program. In one of his speeches he proposed that the US would be the first country to put a man on the moon.
Neil Armstrong once proclaimed “that’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” after successfully being the first man to walk on the moon. “To the Moon” was read on September 12, 1962 at Rice University in Houston, Texas, outdoors in a football stadium to the Joint Session of Congess by President John F. Kennedy (“ToTheMoon”). J.F.K’s main purpose of “To The Moon” was to persuade the American tax payers to pay more taxes in order to fund the goal of leading space exploration by landing a man on the moon.
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It was July 20 1969, the day that reshaped our nation and gave us unparalleled dreams for the future. The impact of the day goes far beyond our pride and nationalism; that day would change space exploration and technology forever. Just like a shooting star, that day would give us a glimpse of hope. A chance to see an event so breathtaking and defying, it would be man’s greatest accomplishment in the 20th century. As millions of people watched from their TV sets, a rush of euphoria came over the nation as Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the surface of the moon. It was the first time in the history of mankind that we would step on the surface of another celestial body. John F. Kennedy dared us to dream, he inspired the nation to reach for the moon, to set ourselves apart from the rest of the world. The Space Race was symbolic of many things. Our future as the technically dominate nation was secured in place; just as secure as Old Glory would be, when she was driven down into the soil of the moon. We not only reached the moon, we conquered it as a nation; united.