Negative Effects Of School Uniforms

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In today’s society, more and more schools are leaning towards students wearing school uniforms, which some of the students, faculty, and parents are either happy about this decision or most of them are very negative about this change. With today’s fashion trends, students try to keep up in the world of fashion and most of these trends are inappropriate clothing that customers would turn down in disgust ten or twenty years ago. Now, students dress in inappropriate clothing to school because this is the latest trend and teachers and parents are not too impressed with their decisions in their choice of clothes. Another cause is students are being bullied for their freedom of choice in clothes they think express themselves and make them look different from other students. Also, students distract other students by what they are wearing because their outfit is either a positive look to turn heads or either a negative look to make a controversy of what the other students see that looks bad for the student’s taste in fashion. Many students in today’s society wear school uniforms; the effects of wearing school uniforms include a loss and profit in money, bullying and self-image, and distractions. …show more content…

The effects shown throughout, seem very negative for the students and their families, while schools think this is a positive effect that can solve numerous problems in today’s schools. School uniforms are also technically negative in a political way, because they go against the first amendment, since uniforms violate a student’s freedom of expression in what they wear. Bullying and distractions seem like they increase compared to the positive expectations of the school faculty. Looks like banning school uniforms would a great idea, because the negative effects seem greater than the positive

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