Negative Effects Of Migration

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If you’ve only lived in one country all your life, have you ever thought about migrating and whether it is good or bad? In this paper I will try to explain the good and bad sides of migration from many different perspectives.
The meaning of migration (according to Questia schools encyclopedia) is “A movement from place to place alone or in a group with the goal to permanently settle”. Migration plays a big role in people’s lives because many can’t stay in their country i.e. it’s just too dangerous. There are a lot of different types of migration and you shouldn’t get them confused. The bases of most types of migration are internal and external migration. Internal migration is when you move to a new
Centuries ago people migrated mainly in the search of food. Nowadays people migrate either to escape violence (war) or to escape poverty. A few need better healthcare like those with chronic diseases or disabilities and move to other countries to get better care. Some people want to be reunited with their families. Some want to look for better opportunities for their children’s future (school, college, jobs). A lot of people move because they or their partner gets a job in another country. While some simply want to be adventurous and explore new places. ( Everyone has his opinion about migration, whether good or bad depends on the perspective. For the host country there are lots of advantages. They get a richer and diverse culture. A lot of migrants are ready to take low paid jobs that most residents aren’t willing to take. The country might also get more people that are skilled and ready for qualified jobs. For the country losing people there are also advantages like the overcrowding getting taken care of. In some cases the migrants come back home learning new
For the country losing people, it’s bad because a lot of skilled workers might leave and some of the important jobs may have to be replaced. The balance of both genders might get uneven because most men seek out to look for other jobs and women and children will be the only ones staying back. Women will have to take care of their children and aren’t available all the time. For the country gaining people they might have to increase costs of healthcare and education. They might also have to deal with overcrowding and the conflict of different religions and cultures.

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