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As named in the stanza before, the Nazis used Gleichschaltung to unify the German empire and all its citizens, in political and social ways as well as private and public lives. Gleichschaltung means coordination or making the same. The term is used to describe that National Socialists tried to coordinate all people to be equal and follow their ideology. All the organizations named above, like the organizations for children Hitler Jugend and Bund Deutscher Mädel were established to bring the citizens of the country together. In those organizations, the people were taught the ideology and concepts of the leaders, so everybody would think and support the same thing, which of course was National Socialism. Within this process of coordination, previous values were changed to the Nazis’ ideology. There was no longer freedom of press. From the outside, it seemed like it was still the same and everybody could write what they wanted to, but if they did write something inappropriate or something bad about the NSDAP or National Socialism in general, there was a high change of losing their job or even worse, getting killed for criticizing Hitler’s methods and ideology. In nineteen thirty-five, the Anordnung zur Beseitigung der Skandalpresse (trans.: Regulation of the removal of the gutter press) was passed, which meant that publisher harming the press and the NSDAP, could be expelled from the market. Also, the new theme for a lot of newspaper article became anti-Semitism in papers like Der Völkischer Beobachter and Der Stürmer, whose editor actually supported Hitler in a big way. To enforce the Gleichschaltung, there were the SA and SS (named above), the Main Office of the Order Police and the Sicherheitsdienst (similar to CIA; also called ... ... middle of paper ... ...ll 11 million Jews living in Europe. Jews that were able to work would be deported to work in concentration camps. The rest would be directly deported into the extermination camps. It was estimated that about 3 million Jews were killed in those camps. Furthermore, National Socialism was anticommunist. Hitler mixed the communism of the Bolshevik and anti-Semitism together when he was talking about anticommunism. Actually, Hitler was not particularly against communism, but against the people living in the East and their revolution, because he thought it might hurt his own takeover. This anticommunist attitude was the approach for Hitler’s Lebensraumtheorie (habitat theory), which was the idea of claiming living space in the East since the space for the Aryan race was too small. Within this theory, it is also said that there is need of war to get this living space.

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