Nature Of Jesus Research Paper

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INCARNATION Aside from the doctrine of the Trinity, no other doctrine in the Christian faith is as essential as the doctrine of the person of Jesus, Son of God, and Son of Man. If Jesus wasn’t God, then all He did while on earth was for nothing. This is an issue that has been hotly debated for centuries. It is at the very heart of Christianity. If Jesus was just another prophet, or good teacher, than all world religions would be equal. It is the Deity of Jesus, the fact that God became human, that sets us apart from all other religions. Before Jesus came to earth as the Son of Man, He existed in Heaven with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. If Jesus came into existence at the time of His earthly birth, then there would be three problems …show more content…

Because it’s a hard concept to understand, some people have tried to use human reasoning to “reason out” the concept of the two natures of Jesus residing within the one human body. These concepts are some things to be on the lookout for; they are dangerous to the Christian faith because they make Jesus less than Who He is.
 In the first century, the Docetists denied Jesus’ humanity. They said that while Jesus was on earth He only seemed to be human. It was all an illusion. Jesus was like a ghost.
 In the second century, the Ebionites acknowledged Jesus’ humanity yet denied that Jesus was really born of Mary. They believed that Jesus was the natural child of Joseph and Mary, not the Son of God. At some point in His life the presence and power of God was manifested.
 By the fourth century, the Arians came out with the belief that while Jesus was human, He was not eternal or God. They believed He was similar to God but not God Himself. They believed that Jesus was the first created being and God created everything through …show more content…

Matt 1:18, “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit” (ESV) and Luke 1:26-38, “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary” (ESV). Matthew and Luke both write of the birth of Jesus, each from their own perspective therefore it’s important that both of them separately acknowledge the virgin birth (referring to the conception) of Jesus. For both men to have written about the conception of Jesus, means the information was most likely common

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