Native Son, And Oedipus The King: Literary Analysis

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The influential aspects that acknowledges the novels The Birth of Tragedy, Native Son, and Oedipus the King are solely based around the circumstances of criminality, violence, and the aspects of retaliation as the indication of life. The establishment, endeavor, and the conclusion on Oedipus and Bigger correspond with the philosophy of Nietzsche. The concept of specific morals being prejudiced is exclusively based on not containing real intentionality behind any actions that are committed. Yet, the context of nature and humanity are the justification for an individual’s determination to contain the will of power. For example, in Richard's Wright novel Native Son, Bigger makes an effort to obtain leverage over his environment through violence. …show more content…

However, in Native Son, it exemplifies the blindness of the beautiful illusion of the white world. The white world concept was about everyone being safe and nothing will be happening to individuals. Also, if one black person does it, then unfortunately all blacks will. Moreover, all characters were blind to a particular logic in the novel. The character Buddy is blind because he considers Bigger as his role model. In addition, Mr. Dalton is blind because he believes he is not racist, but own several apartments in the slum. Also, Marry is blind because she believes black people are her friend, but she treats them more like her servants. Yet, Jan is blind because he does not recognize that Bigger is uncomfortable with the presence of them being together. Moreover, the foundation of blindness is the influential aspects of Richard's Wright novel Native Son However, the concept of blindness is a major aspect in the novel because the characters have been blind the actuality of their existence. The blindness of life, hope, and prosperity is prominent in the concept of the novel because Bigger is blind to his identity until max gives him a reason to appreciate life. As soon as Bigger is about to die, he realizes that he has a purpose in life. Yet, the concept of having a meaningful life is not the concern anymore because of him being sentenced to the death

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