Narrative Essay On The Great Gatsby

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I was attempting to watch the movie, “The Great Gatsby”, over the three-hundred loudmouth high school students in the auditorium when I heard the teacher began to list the names of the next group up. My partner and I both knew we were about to be called but neither of us felt ready. The next thing we heard was, “Kelly and Duff, sports promotion” from the teacher. The next half hour instantly became a memory branded in my mind because without competing in my first Deca competition I never would have known I wanted to go into the public relations field. The morning began with me having to be at the school almost an hour early to leave for the competition. But, our bus decided to show up late leaving forty students and our teacher waiting outside in the frigid weather for what felt like an hour. The wait outside was most likely no more than a twenty minutes but for a person that despises mornings, it felt like an eternity. “Bus is finally here!” yelled Mrs. Chilman to all of us. All forty of us instantly piled on to the bus as fast as we possibly could. Once we all found a seat, we set off for Miami-Hamilton. However, we ended up taking a little detour on our way there. “Everybody listen! We’re stopping for some McDonald's breakfast on the way!”, she screamed. “Let’s go! Pancakes and a day off school, how could this get day get any better?, I said in …show more content…

There is nothing slower on this earth than McDonald’s workers at eight in the morning. Now I cut them some slack, forty hungry high schoolers coming in at the same time can make it a little hectic. Especially when almost everyone orders a hashbrown. After waiting forty-five minutes, and many people taking their food back up to get the right food, we finally were able to eat our food. I don’t think my teacher planned for how slow some people because we arrived a half hour late to our competition. Luckily, nobody in our chapter had to compete yet by the time we got

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