Narrative Essay About Moving To A New Place

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In March of this year, my parents told me that my dad was ready to retire from his job and so they were considering moving our family out of Maryland. My first reaction was it might be fun to move to a new place. It would be an adventure. We had lived in Maryland my whole life and maybe it was time for a change. But then, I started thinking about school and all of my friends. I knew I would miss my church group friends, my friends on my track team, and my friends in my neighborhood. Most of all, I was afraid that my family and I would choose the wrong place to move to and we would be stuck there. During the next couple of weeks, I thought about the thorns and the roses (negatives and the positives) of moving away from all we had. Finally, …show more content…

The real estate agent took us to over thirty houses in one weekend! Every house we walked into, I would come inside and right away I would say if this was the home that I could live in. Of course, my parents in the end, had the final decision in choosing a home but at least they let me give them some insight. The last house we checked out that weekend ended up being our just what we were looking for. It was pretty close to the beach and fit the three of us perfectly. We drove back to Maryland that day where we talked about which houses were the …show more content…

I asked around but there were no teenage girls my age living in my neighborhood. I joined the cross country team right away and we had practice every morning. I went to a week of driver’s education classes, but all of the other kids in my class were freshmen. I also took my bicycle, and almost every day I would take a ride to explore my neighborhood, or to ride to the beach or into town. And the story continues as it should. Every day I feel just a tiny bit more like I belong here in Wilmington, and maybe even one day I will feel this is really my

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