Narrative Essay About Moving Away Analysis

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It wasn’t like anything I’ve ever felt before although the intense summer heat penetrating through the bullet proof glass walls of the airport felt somewhat familiar. It was my very first time coming back home to the Philippines ever since my family decided to move away. I was eight years old when we moved away, which I guess made it easier for me to adjust to a new culture. My mind was yet to mature and I was yet to realise that I was leaving the country I was born in and was about to get introduced to a very different way of life. Coming home made me feel as if it was a foreign land all over again, I had forgotten so much about the country and I couldn’t wait to experience the atmosphere of the Philippines once again. Even stepping out the airport and actually setting foot into the very busy and polluted streets of Manila (the capital city) was overwhelming. Being back never crossed my mind and to actually be back was so exciting. I still remember reuniting with my family back in the Philippines for the first time in two years, seeing how much joy it brought to my parents as they laughed (and cried) with our relatives, made me appreciate being home even more. I still remember how light my heart felt after reuniting with them and also the joy I felt …show more content…

It’s just like a women describing being pregnant, you never fully understand or relate unless you yourself has ever been pregnant. It’s like being in a suspended reality, there’s not really one place above others that I truly consider my home. When in Scotland, we talk about visiting ‘home’ and how much we miss it but when we’re over in the Philippines, we feel the need to go back here, a place we also consider our ‘home’. The pleasant experience of having spent time in another country is that you eventually become a part of it, eventually get attached to its way of life, and become one of its

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