Narcissistic Personality Disorder Essay

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What is a personality disorder? According to the Mayo Clinic staff it is, “A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving” (para. 1). There are many different types of personality disorders such as: paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, and many more. The one I chose to conduct research on is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Well according to our textbook it is, “Grandiose sense of self-importance; exaggerates abilities and accomplishments; excessive need for admiration; boastful, pretentious” (Hockenbury …show more content…

One who’s environment support their ego, which then provokes them to show their selfish behavior. These types of people think that they are better than others, but at the same time their individual feelings are disregarded. To make their feeling of satisfaction, the person will attempt to make the environment support their claims of preeminence and flawlessness. On the other hand, if the environment feels threatened by the person's ego it will attempt to subdue the person from expressing themselves. These kinds of people learn to keep the ego hidden from others, and they will grow to be an undeclared narcissist (Kreger para. …show more content…

The treatment is based around psychotherapy, in other words talk therapy. According to the Mayo Clinic talk therapy helps one relate better to others so ones relationships are more enjoyable. It also helps one understand the causes of one’s emotional fluctuation and what drives you to distrust others and hate yourself at times. Although changing one’s personality can take years of therapy it can help maintain and build relationships, help accept criticisms, help understand your feelings, increase or manage self-esteem, and help let go of ideas you believe you need to be like to be

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