NASA: Should The Government Fund NASA Mission

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Have you ever wondered if there's life outside of earth? or if we will ever travel beyond our galaxy on the other hand how about knowing when there's an asteroid coming our way.The NASA organization is trying to achieve these goals. but when it comes to the topic of NASA wanting to create new mission to explore the universe most of us will readily agree that it would be a good idea that we should explore the universe. where this agreement usually ends, however,is on the question of the problem is should the government help fund NASA for their space flight mission. while some are convinced that it would be a good idea that government should continue to fund NASA space flight mission because it’s beneficial for NASA to create new technology, citizens can learn new ways to explore the universe and find new ways to detect incoming asteroids. other believe that the government shouldn't fund NASA for their future mission and should instead fund …show more content…

is mainly because people have given up on space exploration and so little has happened over the past 30 years. America put a man on the moon, after that the most exciting thing was a robot on mars and the Hubble telescope people just started to lose interest on space. Lauren Farra a Science Education Interactive Media Producer at KQED states ‘’On the other hand, space travel is not cheap – in terms of money or

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