Mysticism New Testament

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Introduction For out thesis is important to say that In the New Testament included some of the most important themes of mysticism. Mysticism is non rational experience of God. And it also means that God reveals Himself to individuals. Mysticism we're talking about has resulted of a profound experience of people with God. For the start of the topic is important to clarify the very concept of mysticism. The whole of Christianity, the Holy Scripture, and especially the Acts of the Apostles are interwoven with a large number of mystical experiences, experiences that defy logic and that somehow distinguish Christianity from the ordinary teaching or ideology. It is very difficult to speak on this subject for the simple reason - it is very difficult …show more content…

(James 371) Mystical experiences are mostly spontaneous: as they usually happen when you do not expect and to the people from whom it is not expected. Of course, mystical experiences are possible as the desired outcome of a deep contemplation and introspection. Another possible method contemplation. It may be added that the mystical experience as a rule is personal and the actor is largely passive, therefore God has chosen that it is based on divine grace through his Revelation. (Vincent 1) Mysticism is not something that exclusively belongs to Christianity. Various teachings and religions speak of mysticism. A lot has been written about Jewish mysticism and the influence of the Kabbalah and Hasidism, Buddhism itself is based on mystical teachings and mystics can be met in certain branches of Islam, such as Sufism (The mystical movement in Islam that stands for a personal relationship with God) For us, however Christian mysticism is the most important, and such mysticism is exhibited by the Apostle Paul and in Acts. Many Church Fathers were engaged in the mysticism of the heavenly or divine “embrace of God and mankind” in the early centuries, especially Origen, Philo of Alexandria and many others. (Vincent …show more content…

Through several major biblical stories we'll see how mystical experiences are presented in Scripture. The entire New Testament is filled with mystical experiences that the human mind can not explain. In the beginning, the event of Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. It could be argued that the Incarnation reflex in mystical experience of the human Jesus. Many theological explanations were given on act of the Incarnation; that has been understood as a revelation, a redemption or deification, and as an act of kenosis (state of humiliation or emptying that the Son of God accepted in the Incarnation). For one, incarnation is connected to the eternal plan of God in terms of creation. The embodiment is consistent with man's original destiny, and indication and the plan of becoming a tool of manifestation of

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