Mysterious Disappearance Of Mr. Jones: A Narrative Fiction

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The Mysterious disappearance of Mr. Jones

“Another Avalanche!” Carter yelled to his sister. Having practised avalanche evacuation drills hundreds of times they knew to go to the small village’s safe hall. The village that Carter and Sadie lived in was in the middle of snowy Alaska next to mount kompus. Running over the crunchy white snow to the hall, Thoughts where racing like nascars at full pace through my head. Will our village survive, I need to protect my younger sister, will mum and dad survive this harsh weather? Sadie and I sprinted to the hall and sat down quietly. The towns leader marked the roll, since there were only 64 people in the small village we would automatically know if someone was missing.
“Ok everyone calm down the malicious …show more content…

Scared whispers come from everyone “where is he?” Carter said to Sadie. “Probably just didn’t hear the alarm bells because he is deaf”. “Let’s go look for him now! come on,” I said to Sadie. As the two of them made their way to Mr. Jones’s man cave (A shack). Then suddenly my nostrils were inglufed by acidic scent, a scent that reminded me of a time when I was younger, when I got to go with dad to his work in his laboratory when I looked in an acidic green test tube. “Poison!! Sadie, we must go explore that abandoned shack. …show more content…

Jones disappearance. We sprinted past the bison’s pen and jumped over the tiny frozen well my thick woolly jacket weighing me down as I ran “ahhh” Sadie had tripped on a jagged piece of ice. Her face numb and deep red scratches all over her small little body. “Are you ok?” I said speed walking back over to her. “Yeah”. They regathered their fast jog, Sadie limping ever so slightly. Once they were about 20 meters from the shack we started jogging slower so we could approach the shack with cation. The scent of poison was ever so stronger, I felt harsh Icey shards pinch my face like bull ants, our bodies were burning from all the sprinting and running. Finally, we reached the shed we knew we shouldn’t go straight through the old run downed door, but then how would we get in. “THE ROOF!” sadie suddenly shouted “Mr Jones was once giving me a tour of his beloved shack once and he showed me the roof, there is a hole in the roof from a hail storm.” Sadie and Carter climbed up the roof it was only a 7-foot-tall shack so it was easy to climb. Once they got on the roof carter gasped “The smoke machine…. It’s producing poison”. Sadie glanced through the hole and saw that on Mr. Jones bench was his cowboy hat “Mr. Jones!”. Then I realised something, a piece of paper that had something written on it. Sadie could read it because she has very good eye sight, “its

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