Myasthenia Gravis Research Paper

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Myasthenia gravis is a chronic auto-immune neuromuscular disease, which causes weakness in the skeletal muscles. These muscles are responsible for breathing and moving certain parts of the body. The number one sign of myasthenia gravis is muscle weakness that worsens after periods of activity and improves after periods of rest. The eyes are usually affected first with this disease. MG tends to attack muscle groups used for voluntary movement, meaning they are muscles that you have control of. Certain muscles such as those that control facial expression, chewing, talking, and swallowing are often involved with this disease. Because weakness is a common symptom of many other disorders, the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is often missed or delayed …show more content…

Normally when electrical signals or impulses travel down a motor nerve, the nerve endings release an acetylcholine. Acetylcholine activates the muscle and causes a muscle contraction. In myasthenia gravis, antibodies destroy the receptors for acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, which prevents the muscle from contracting. However, antibodies to other proteins, such as MuSK (Muscle-Specific Kinase) protein, can also lead to impaired transmission at the neuromuscular junction. Myasthenia gravis affects both men and women and occurs across all racial and ethnic groups. Commonly affects young adult women under the age 40 and older men over the age of 60. This disease is not inherited nor is it

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