My Work Experience at a Primary School

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My Work Experience at a Primary School

For my work experience I received a placement at Primary

School. It is located in Wyke, Bradford and provides education for

children aged three to eleven. I attended High Fernley primary school

for two weeks; my work placement began on 27 September and ended on 9

October. Each day I arrived at 8.30amand normally finished at 3.10pm;

sometimes I would work slightly longer in order to finish tasks.

I did not attend a pre-placement visit as a result of a delay in

confirmation of the placement. Nevertheless, I rang High Fernley as

soon as I received confirmation and I spoke to the school

administrator, Mrs. Julie Malinder. I introduced myself and thanked

them for accepting my work placement. I asked important questions

regarding dress code, arrival times and lunch arrangements.

Before the placement I was excited because I was looking forward to it

and I knew that I would like the school environment. However I was

also nervous because I was going to be working in a different

environment and I would be working in a different role as a teaching

assistant not as a student. I had a basic idea about what this work

placement would involve and I had already thought about what skills,

abilities and qualities I hoped to gain from this experience.

I was hoping to gain further knowledge about the working environment,

what it was like and how different it is to a student life. I also

wanted to develop my communication skills by talking to adults and

children and participating in class discussions. I also hoped that it

would give me a taste of this type of work and help me decide if I

wanted to do a simi...

... middle of paper ...

...unicate effectively with

large groups of children.

In the future I would like to keep on improving the above skills so

that I would feel confident in any work situations.

Overall I had an excellent, fun and memorable work experience. I

enjoyed most aspects of this type of work and I learnt so much and I

feel that I have become more knowledgeable and improved as a person.

The only parts I did not enjoy was when I had nothing to do; I like to

always be doing something that is productive and active.

I do not know what career I would like to pursue in the future but I

would like to be involved in an active job where I would not be bored.

I would also like to do a job that involved music or sport. In

addition I would like to be in a job where no day is exactly the same

and where I can learn something new everyday.

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