My View: Tithing Is No Longer Relevant, Giving Is

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This post started because my friend Jesse Phillips tweeted an intriguing thought, he said, "I'm sorry, tithing to support a building & paid staff simply is not Biblically mandated. Otherwise Paul, Peter & Jesus were way off."

I would have to say that Jesse is 100% correct. This speaks to a bigger issue of the separation of the law and what Jesus brought when He came to earth. In my studies of tithing, I wanted to prove that it was Biblical because so many churches have taught that you should give 10%, every week, without fail. The argument becomes obtuse when people start to ask whether you should give 10% before taxes or after taxes.

During a church service, the question came up about what happened if you couldn't tithe; the pastor explained that he would actually keep a record of the times he missed and try to pay it back in full. I couldn't believe this, much less find this reasoning in the Bible. That the God who is merciful but just would lay a burden of debt on us simply because we didn't have the money to give to the church that week? That seems to be a little ri...

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