My Special Place Research Paper

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The world is not a place of wonder or amazement, at least it is not for me. For me it is a place where I simply go through the motions and the days blur together. The world is supposed to be a place of life, and what is life without hope? I am hopeless; it's been like this as long as I can remember. I don't believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but I do believe there is an end.

I know I should feel different, that I should feel more than just empty inside, but I don't know how. I see others everyday laughing and smiling. Everyone expects you to be happy, but everyday I put on a mask to hide what I truly feel inside. I smile but it never reaches my eyes, I laugh but it's never true.

Over the past few months I can feel myself …show more content…

Looking around the waiting room I saw a sea of faces, but not the types the I was so use to seeing. Everyone there showed either tormented expressions or were anxiously awaiting what could be the greatest moment in their lives. At that moment no one had their masks on, it seemed the hospital was the one place no one could hide their raw emotions. It seemed as though I was the only one with their mask still intact.

I waited there for three hours, until the baby came. After that I was finally allowed in my sister's room. When I opened the door the first thing I saw was the bundle of joy swaddled in a little pink blanket. I was the fourth person to hold her, the fourth person experience her purity. She had blue eyes that were completely filled with innocence, and little hands that were untouched by darkness. She knew nothing of this world yet, but she looked at it with amazement, she looked at me with amazement.

I left the hospital late that night, with what felt like a new outlook on life. Everything seemed like it could fall into place and there was a hope. I got home and crawled into my bed, I should have been tired but I couldn't sleep. I lay there awake waiting for the new day to

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