My personal belief of human beings is that each and every single one of us has an unlimited amount of potential. If and when an individual uses that potential to its fullest is another matter entirely. I am not so naïve that I believe all human beings fulfill all or even a part of their potential. There are many things that can inhibit or increase one’s possibilities and all people grow and develop differently. Growth and development can make a tremendous impact on a human beings potential or lack thereof. There are many things that affect growth and development. Genetics always plays a role-determining whether we are male or female, in our hair and eye color, skin tones, and even genetic abnormalities such as a missing or extra chromosome. …show more content…
We hold their hands, are empathetic to their issues, we protect them, their health and welfare and help them maintain their sense of self, independence and overall well-being when often they are at their lowest and worst. The recipients of nursing are all human beings basically, families, people in and around our communities as well as others. Nurses provide care for anyone who needs it without thoughts of ourselves or if the person can pay.
Nurses have rights and responsibilities. We are responsible for the patient, to advocate and teach them, communicate truthfully with them and their families. We are responsible for educating them about health promotion and prevention. We have to be responsible for the coordination and direction of care we provide. Registered nurses are also responsible for our profession as a whole. We need to further our own education and be involved in nursing research. We are responsible for upholding the standards of nursing in our communities. Along with all of the responsibilities of being a registered nurse, we also have rights. We have the right to a safe work environment and to be fairly compensated for the services we provide. We have the right to be treated with respect not only from our patients but also from our peers and places of employment. We have the right to have an environment that supports and facilitates our ethical practice without the fear of
The first provision of the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) “Code of Ethics” states, “ The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems.” The second provision states, “The nurse’s primary commitment is the patient, whether the patient is an individual, family, group, or community” (Fowler, 2010). As nurses we need to respect the autonomy and allow for the patient to express their choices and concerns. We also need to provide them with support by giving them knowledge and understanding so they
Monaliza, K. R. (2014). Registered Nurses" Experiences of Ethical and Human Rights Issues in Nursing Practice: Frequency and Handling,. Baba Farid University Nursing Journal, 15-22.
According to Chitty & Black (2014) the philosophy of nursing is defined as beliefs and values that are the bases for how we think and act in our nursing careers. Similar to a nursing philosophy, a personal philosophy includes a person’s specific beliefs and values. The purpose of this paper is to start evolving my own personal nursing philosophy that contains my own beliefs and values that I will take with me throughout my career as a registered nurse.
Throughout the history of nursing, many philosophies and theories have emerged in regards to how we as nurses should carry out our profession. I believe that nursing is a highly respected profession than I am honored to be a part of. My personal philosophy on nursing is to treat and care for each patient in the best way that I can. While my philosophy can be considered very broad, I believe that each patient deserves their own specific approach and not necessarily be generalized with one way of thinking.
Nurses everywhere face problems and challenges in practice. Most of the challenges occur due to a struggle with the use of ethical principles in patient care. Ethical principles are “basic and obvious moral truths that guide deliberation and action,” (Burkhardt, Nathaniel, 2014). Ethical principles that are used in nursing practice include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, veracity, confidentiality, justice, and fidelity. These challenges not only affect them, but the quality of care they provide as well. According to the article, some of the most frequently occurring and most stressful ethical issues were protecting patient rights, autonomy and informed consent to treatment, staffing problems, advanced care planning, and surrogate decision making (Ulrich et. al, 2013). The ethical issue of inadequate staffing conflicts with the principle of non-maleficence.
According to Orem, nursing science is a practical science, in that knowledge is developed for the direct purpose of nursing practice itself (Barbara, 2011). The goal of nursing science is to look for an understanding of the actual realities that are concerning to nurses and the nursing practice (Orem, 2001). We can do this through both research and producing scholarly articles. “Nursing science is the science of which knowledge is developed for the sake of the work to be done” (Barbara, 2011, p. 44). Without the nursing science as the backbone of nursing, the nursing practice would seize to exist, or at least have difficulty staying alive. Nursing science offers nurses the knowledge, skills and competency to develop order and direction in their nursing care (Malinowski, 2002). Models of case studies, rules and standards of practice along with the various
According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), (2010) “the nurse promotes, advocates for and strives to protect the health, safety and rights of the patient” (p. 6). Nursing responsibilities should be acted upon at the highest standard and must be based on legal and ethical obligations. Healthcare provider’s perception and judgment of the patient’s well being, as well as taking into account the rights of the patient in every action, is one of the key elements in nursing practice. International Council of Nurses (ICN) (2006) states “The nurse at all times maintains standards of personal conduct which reflect well on the profession and enhance public confidence” (p. 3).
This paper is a first attempt at forming and articulating my own philosophy of nursing.
This paper explores the personal philosophy I have as a nursing student and what I intend to convey throughout my nursing career. A philosophy is “an analysis of the grounds and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs (Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, n.d.). Before entering into any profession it is important to evaluate your personal philosophy about the profession, as it pertains to values and principles in which believe in to guide your practice. The field of nursing is more than treating a physiological ailment, but it involves providing quality care for the individualized needs of each patient, hence being client centered. My philosophy of nursing integrates the importance of knowledge base practice of medicine, combined with addressing holistic needs of the patient and family, including the physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social care (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2010). Additionally, a vital aspect of nursing is effective interpersonal relationships with other healthcare professionals to promote quality patient care. Moreover, my philosophy includes the importance the client-nurse relationship to aid in health promotion to prevent illness and increase the level of health of clients.
The greatest aspect about nursing is that it is never going to be just a job and is even more than a merely profession. Instead, it is a belief system or way of life and not a discipline that can simply be practiced then abandoned to the dictates of a time clock. To simply say that “I love people” or want to “help people get better” does not demonstrate the drive behind this feeling. Articulating my philosophy is not an easy task, to better explain my philosophy of nursing, I am going to use some values that I have learned. These tools truly explain how I feel and what has motivated me to pursue nursing as a career.
In conclusion, there are numerous legal and ethical issues apparent in the nursing practice. Nurses should study and be as informed as they can with ethics and legality within their field in order to ensure no mistakes occur. Ethical issues vary based on patient’s views, religion, and environment. Nurses are influenced by these same views, but most of the time they are not the same as the patients. As a nurse we must learn to put the care of our patients and their beliefs, rights, and wishes before our own personal
“Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken’, said Myrtle Aydelott (Hammarskjold, 2000). Nurses have our patients trust with their lives every day. These patients have needs that must be understood and met, whether; physical, psychological, or emotional. Nurses must provide nonjudgmental care to those in need, regardless of culture, religion, lifestyle choices, financial status, or hues of the human race. To quote Jean Watson, nursing theorist, “I am here to care for others, regardless of where they came from” (Hammarskjold, 2000). I believe that the nursing profession chose me because I have always had a calling to help those in need. Nursing
In order for nurses to practice ethically they must understand the meaning behind each professional value. The first value is human dignity. With each patient we encounter we must show them respect as individuals. It does not matter what the medical condition is, race, ethnicity, culture, religion or gender of the individual. The dignity of a person must be protected. As nurses we must respect the uniqueness of each individual we care for, as this is a fundamental right of all humans. A person with dignity feels a sense of self-worth and as nurses we must do our best to help our patients maintain that feeling of worthiness.
The American Nurses Association created guidelines for the profession including, a set clear rules to be followed by individuals within the profession, Code of Ethics for Nurses. Written in 1893, by Lystra Gretter, and adopted by the ANA in 1926, The Code of Ethics for Nurses details the role metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics have within the field (ANA, 2015). Moral obligation for an individual differs within professions than it does within an individual’s personal life, so the code of ethics was written to establish rules within the profession. The moral obligation to provide quality care include the fundamental principles of respect for persons, integrity, autonomy, advocacy, accountability, beneficence, and non-maleficence. The document itself contains nine provisions with subtext, all of which cannot be addressed within this paper however, core principals related to the ethical responsibilities nurses have will be
Nursing is a discipline of knowledge acquired through formal education and through life experiences. My philosophy of nursing is to always see the beauty in the art of being a nurse. I chose nursing as my profession as caring for people and the nursing profession is a true art form.